Chapter Twenty five

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Chapter Twenty five

“I must say, the two of you make such a wonderful couple.” Aria gushed during breakfast as she took her seat next to her brother who gave her a look of annoyance. It had been three days and she still hasn’t told Alex her true motives. Thanksgiving dinner was later that night and he had a feeling she would reveal it by then.

“That’s sweet, thank you, Aria.” Emily said, beaming at Aria. “I have no idea why your brother thinks you're some sort of ticking time bomb.” She shot Alex, who just stuck his tongue out at her, a look.

“That’s because you do not know what she is capable of.” He said darkly, but before Emily could even retort, Jackie came into the scene.

“Okay, that’s enough, kids.” She said loudly over everyone “Now, since we shall be having Thanksgiving dinner tonight, and we don’t have anything to cook we have to work together.” Jackie cleared her throat and pulled out a list from one of the folders she was holding onto “Jackson and Dylan, the two of you shall be assigned to clean up duty. I want every single room in this penthouse to be as clean and clear as a diamond.”

Jack’s jaw practically dropped to the ground. “Every single room?” he echoed “Why?! We’re only going to use the dining area. This is stupid, Jackie.” Jackie shot him a look.

“You know how much I find cleanliness necessary.” Jackie said, Jack opened his mouth to say more but Jackie cut him off with a wave of her hand. “Adrian, you shall be helping Rob set up the decorations –“

“I don’t mean to be rude,” Adrian intruded “But me? Decorations? I’m sorry, Jackie. But are you even serious right now?” Alex and the others couldn’t help but snicker. Jackie rolled her eyes at him.

“Don’t worry, dear. I already have the plans all set. All you have to do is help Rob put them to place. Got it?” she then moved on to the next topic “Alexander, you and Emily are assigned to grocery shopping. Here is a list of the things we need.” she then handed over a list to Emily “You two need to be back as early as possible so I can start cooking.”

“Okay, first of all, isn’t that a bad idea?” Alex asked “I mean, there are loads of people out today. Wouldn’t that like, be dangerous? Second of all, since when did you cook?”

“Oh please, Alexander.” Jackie said with a sigh as she took her coffee to go and gathered all her other folders “People here in New York have very high standards. They don’t go crazy over a celebrity doing their grocery. I’m sure you know that. Second, I do know how to cook and I am offended by the fact that you actually question that.”

With that said, she hitched her bag over her shoulder. “Now I am off to finish some other business. When I come back here, I want all of your tasks to be finished. Understood?” Everyone nodded “Any more questions?” Aria raised her hand “Yes, Aria?”

“Can I go grocery shopping with Alex and Emily?”

“Yes, yes you can.” Jackie replied just as he phone went buzzing like crazy. “That’s my cue to leave. I shall be going now. I’ll be back by three, and I expect everything to be done by then.”

They watched the door slam behind Jackie as she hastily made her exit. Alex sighed. There really were times like this during certain holidays when they had to rush. They were too busy to plan so they always had to cram. Jackie always made sure to have food catered though, so Alex was sort of surprised that she was going to be the cook this time. He didn’t mind all the chores, it made him feel like they really were a family.

“We’d better get going.” Alex announced, getting up from the table. “We have to be back by three and I bet all the groceries are going crazy.” Emily and Aria nodded in agreement so Alex grabbed his keys and they headed out.

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