Chapter one

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So this one's the first chapter, I hope you all like it! :)

 I'm dedicating this chapter to fallenbabybubu (the writer of A and D) because.. well she's one of my Wattpad idols.:D

Chapter one


The school bell rang signaling the end of classes for the day. An event every student at Crestville High has been waiting for every since they got in six hours earlier. Alex Night watched as his fellow school mates chattered happily as they walked, some were heading towards the exit, some were heading towards their lockers and some looked like they didn’t even care at all that it was Friday, the best day of the week.

                Alex didn’t care at all about them though, through the thick crowd he was only searching for one girl. It didn’t take long before he finally saw her coming out from a nearby classroom with a couple of her friends. He watched as she headed towards her locker, laughing at some joke one of her friends made,

                “Ah love, what a wonderful thing.” A voice said; Alex just rolled his eyes. He didn’t need to turn around to know who the person beside him was.

                “Shut up Jack,” Alex said; still watching the girl of his dreams from across the hallway. Jack rolled his eyes and rested his elbow on Alex’s shoulder. He took a quick glance at Alex’s face and sighed, he was used to his best friend’s love struck ways by now.

                “Emily Summers: Making Alexander James Night drool since the eighth grade.”

                Alex glared at his friend

                “I’m sorry. I meant the sixth grade.”

                “Jack, could you just shut the hell up?”


                “Thank you.” Alex said, rolling his eyes. He then continued staring at the girl of his dreams from across the hallway. Emily Summers, just like Jack mentioned, was her name. She was the complete package, long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a smile that could put the city lights to shame.

                “C’mon,” said Jack; rolling his eyes “It’s your chance!” he said hitting Alex on the arm to get his attention.

                “I can’t.” Alex said quietly, still staring at her. She was currently laughing with her friends about something; Alex’s guess was that it was some inside joke that happened at some party. That was another thing about Emily. She went to all the parties. She was always invited, which wasn’t really surprising because she was part of the popular crowd and lived at the subdivision which was the equivalent of the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

                “What if she doesn’t like me back?” Alex said quietly to himself “She’s out of my league, man.”

                Jack rolled his eyes

                “We’ve been over this, dude.” He said tiredly “You’ll never know if you never try. Besides, it’s not like you’re gonna ask her to marry you or something. You’re only going to ask her out for God’s sake!”

                In a way, Jack did have a point. But Alex still chickened out every time. Emily wasn’t really the leader of the pack which didn’t make her the most intimidating one. But even with that thought, Alex still couldn’t do it.

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