Chapter Two

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                A/N: (important note) I own absolutely NONE of the songs you’ll see in this story. Like I said before, this was inspired by an ATL song (the song on the right to be specific) :) oh and this one is dedicated to joecool123, he's the writer of one of my favorite stories here :) anyways, here's chapter two! I hope you all like it :)

Chapter Two

                “Here, it’s done.” Said Alex, tossing their new song onto the table it slid perfectly right into Adrian’s outstretched hand. He was the mature one of the group so he was the one who usually checked the new songs. Adrian stood at about 5’10” he had dark messy hair, and dark eyes to match. He always seemed a bit intimidating but when you got to know him, it was a different story.

                “Lemme guess,” said Jack; talking with his mouth full as usual “this song was inspired by her again?”  Alex rolled his eyes and ignored his best friend. “Knew it.” Jack laughed at his expression and hit him on the arm “C’mon dude, I was just kidding.” Alex just smiled

                “So, can it get us a record deal or what?” asked Dylan, walking over next to Adrian who looked quite satisfied with his friend’s work.

                “Well…” Adrian started, his three band mates stared at him in suspense which made him grin “I think we should start rehearsing because Alex just got us our ticket outta here!” they all laughed in triumph,

                “Wait, how do you know it’ll get us the deal?” asked Alex once they settled down, Adrian rolled his eyes as he grabbed his drumsticks and started setting up

                “I just know.” He said “It’s the best song you’ve ever written. You should dedicate it to Summers before we play.” Alex felt encouraged by what he said; Adrian wasn’t really a very compliment giving person.

                “I agree with, Adrian.” Jack called, Alex snapped out of his reverie and looked over to Jack and Dylan who was analyzing the song “Dedicate it to her, dude. She’ll love it. Chicks love this kind of stuff.” Dylan nodded in agreement, Alex rolled his eyes

                “Yeah, I know.” He said “But I can’t even walk up to her and talk what makes you think I could stand in front of a large crowd and dedicate it to her?”

                “Well, you’ll be with us!” Dylan said lamely

                “Yeah, we’re going to be beside you the whole time.” Said Jack, trying to sound supportive but he saw the ‘not so encouraged’ look on Alex’s face, he then thought of a great idea “What about… we record it? And then you slip it into her locker and then you also dedicate it before we play.”

                “Wait, if I’m already going to slip her the song into her locker why do I still have to dedicate it to her before we play?” Alex said, dumbfounded by his best friend’s idea

                “Because,” said Jack, rolling his eyes everybody was staring at him now; even Dylan and Adrian were stumped by what he was thinking about “If you slip it in there’s something that can save you if you chicken out and decide not to dedicate it to her before we play, besides if you do both things it’ll be like a double rainbow… you know, you gave her two gifts at once.”

                There was an awkward silence

                “This may sound stupid…” Said Dylan after a few moments “But I actually agree with him.” Alex stared at him as if he were insane, Jack on the other hand grinned. “I do too.” Said Adrian, and at that moment Alex swore the world had gone mad.

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