Chapter Ten

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                A/N: Once again, I repeat. I own NOTHING of the songs you’ll see here. Anyways, here’s chapter ten. Enjoy! :)

Chapter Ten

                The exercising was really annoying but Alex got used to it. The not junk food rule was a different story though. He sighed as he leaned against the wall; he was currently sitting on the floor at the small hall outside their room with his guitar, a pencil and some pad paper. Adrian ordered everyone to get out so he can focus on the songs. Jack and Dylan had already made the living area their karaoke bar so he had no place but that hall to write.

                He strummed the first few chords he had put together along with the lyrics

                Am C F G

                “Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again, don’t make me change my mind, I won’t live to see another day I swear it’s true because a girl like you is impossible to find. You’re impossible to find.”

                And stop. “Damn, I suck.” He muttered under his breath once he did. He set aside his guitar and stared at the pad paper, pen in hand. He had to admit, it was pretty easy writing with Emily around. It made him feel inspired, but at the same time it was also distracting and in a way – awkward.

                “No you don’t.” Speak of the devil.

                Alex looked up and saw Emily leaning against the doorframe of her room, she too had some pad paper and a pen in hand. It suddenly occurred to him that he never knew what she was taking up at college. I guess there is a lot I don’t know about her, he thought.

                “Thanks.”Alex said with a small smile,

                “No problem,” Emily replied “Mind if I take a seat?” Alex nodded and moved so she can have some space. A year ago he would have killed to have her close, and that didn’t change. “So, is it true that you write all the band’s songs?” he snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at her soft blue eyes

                “Huh? I mean, yeah. Why?” he replied, trying to sound casual

                “Impressive.” Emily said, a smile forming on her lips “Can I see them?” Alex smirked and shook his head “Yeah, that isn’t likely to happen.” He said, putting away the pad paper. Emily pouted and made a grab for it, Alex laughed as he lifted the pad high above his head Emily reached for it but he kept moving it away

                “I wanna see!” she cried, Alex laughed one last time and handed it to her “Fine.” He said as he handed it to her. Emily grinned and started flipping through the paper; Alex always kept all the pads and notebooks where he wrote songs. The one he was currently using had a couple of new ones for their tour. He watched her as she read each piece of paper in awe. “You’re really good.” She complimented “It’s no wonder why people love your songs so much.”

                Alex grinned, normally he would have said something cocky but he didn’t want to ruin the moment so he just settled with a “Thanks.” Emily just smiled and continued reading on, he decided to take the opportunity “So, uh… what course are you taking?” Emily shrugged

                “Major in English,” she said simply “I want to be able to write someday.”

                “Cool, you write too.” Alex said “We have something in common.”

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