Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

“And that is the end of that.” Emily said as she finished her homework – well part of it at least –and slammed her textbook shut, she leaned back over her desk chair and sighed. She had to finish homework early to get to work; Jackie made arrangements that the bus would pick her up everyday an hour after her classes. Remembering the thought of her new job, Emily glanced at her desk clock. Her eyes widened once she saw it. It was only a few minutes until five.

She jolted up from her seat, grabbed her bag and packed some of her school things so she could work on them later that night, she sprinted over to her bed and grabbed her other bag of personal items she had prepared the night before. And because she was in such a hurry she slipped into the nearest pair of shoes she saw: A pair of Doc Martens.

Once she had everything she ran out the door, luckily not forgetting to lock her dorm. She sprinted the halls, bumping in a number of people along the way but she didn’t care. She couldn’t afford to be late. She was out by the grounds in record time; it didn’t take long before she had reached the curb Jackie told her to wait at. Emily panted in exhaustion once she got there; she wiped the sweat off of her forehead and glanced at her watch. It was five minutes ‘til five.

She grinned proudly to herself, she wasn’t late. She composed herself once more; she didn’t want to look like a mess. Emily had to admit though, she was a bit nervous. It was her first job. She had never worked for anyone in her entire life. She was very much used to her parents’ pampering.

It didn’t take long before the bus arrived. Emily still found it odd that Jackie thought it was fine for her to be picked up by her school where there could be people that were Against Gravity fans. And there were A LOT of Against Gravity fans. The bus door swung open, and Emily was greeted by Joe the driver. Jackie had introduced him to her and the rest of the staff yesterday.

“Hi, Joe.” She greeted with a smile as she got in. The door closed behind her.

“Hello, Emily.” He greeted back, smiling at her too. Joe had dark skin and he stood at about six feet, he would seem pretty intimidating but according to Jackie the boys look up at him as a father figure or something like that.

“Well, I’d better get inside then.” Emily said “I’m pretty sure I’ve got a lot of work to do.” Joe grinned mischievously

“Oh it isn’t going to be easy.” He said in a knowing tone “Trust me.”

“So I’ve heard.” Emily said with a sigh “Well, I’d better get started then. Where’s Jackie?”

“She isn’t here at the moment, but she’ll come. Don’t worry.” He replied, Emily sighed. Joe looked at her, she could tell he was a bit worried but he just smiled “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” She said, and at that she left and headed in. The bus wasn’t like any normal bus. It was a tour bus, but it wasn’t just a tour bus. It was a band tour bus so it was a bit different. When you first come in, all you see is Joe’s spot where all the navigation happens. But when you enter the ‘Entrance Hall/Living Room’ it was pretty sweet.

Leather seats were lined up against the walls, if you looked up at the ceiling there was a perfect view of the sky above but when you pressed one of the special buttons on the panel against the wall it closes and neon lights and other lights Emily didn’t know what they were called appeared. Not only does the ceiling light up, but the floor too. Lined against the base of the couches were neon lights.

The windows were specially tinted so the people outside can’t see you but you can see them. There was a mini bar too, just a few feet away from the huge flat screen plasma TV. And of course, just like every boys’ dream just by the TV there were loads of electronics. Gaming consoles from Play Stations, to a Nintendo Wii, plastic guitars that Emily guessed was used for playing Guitar Hero, dance pads and pretty much everything. There was even a shelf just full of DVDs and video games all racked up in one huge shelf.

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