Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

                “Lose the masks.” Emily said, rolling her eyes as finished locking her dorm. She crossed her arms and watched the boys grumble and take off the masks they were wearing which looked pretty weird because they were horror movie themed.

                “You never let us have our fun.” Alex mumbled with a pout as he put away his mask that looked just like Jason’s from the movie Friday the Thirteenth, Emily guessed it was the same one he used to scare the other guys that one time at the bus.

                Emily ignored him and all their other whines “Whatever,” she said as she checked her cell phone for any texts from Jackie, as she expected there was one. She was asking if she was already with the boys, Emily replied with a quick yes and looked up once more “We should get going now.” 

                “Can we put our masks on?” Jack asked hopefully, Emily rolled her eyes

                “No.” she replied flatly, Jack frowned like a five year old and put his Chuckie mask away once more. “Now move it. Jackie just texted me, put your glasses back on you wouldn’t want anyone to –“

                But before she could even finish her sentence, she heard the door just across hers creaking open. Emily bit back a curse just as the boys started fumbling with pulling their hoods up and putting their glasses on. “Disguises. Now.” She hissed, despite the fact that they already were doing so.

                Emily moved forward and pushed the boys aside so they were all standing behind her, the door fell open and out came a girl just about their age, she had auburn hair and bright blue eyes. Her name was Kristen, one of Emily’s classmates. Each course had their own dorm building, one for boys and one of girls. So Emily’s chances of running into people with the same classes as her were pretty high.

                “Oh hey, Emily!” she greeted brightly; Emily gave her a smile which looked pretty much forced because it was.

                “Hey, Kristen.” Emily greeted back, call her mean but she always thought of Kristen as one of those stupid girls, which was pretty much true. She had the attention span of a goldfish, during classes she was one of those people you’d see looking like she’d rather talk to unicorns all day. Literally.

                “I was just wondering if you had an extra pencil.” Kristen said in her usual slightly nasally, stupid girl voice. When Emily first met her she thought she was faking it, turns out she wasn’t. “I’ve lost all of mine, and well I really need to get my homework done. I’m going to see Against Gravity tonight!” her voice went all shrilly on the part about Against Gravity which made Emily cringe a bit.

“Yeah, I have one right here.” Emily said as she rummaged through her bag and ignored the part about Against Gravity.  “Here.” She said, handing a sharpened number two pencil.

“Thanks.” Said Kristen,

“I hear they’re awesome.” Jack said with a grin, Kristen squealed and nodded vigorously in agreement “Especially Jack, he’s pretty hot. No homo.” Emily rolled her eyes just as Alex snorted

 “Oh please,” said Alex, rolling his eyes “Everyone knows Alex Night is the best.”

“Yeah, but you guys are forgetting.” Dylan said loudly “That Dylan Richards was voted as one of the cutest guys of the year by Tigerbeat magazine as of 2011.” He reminded, looking pretty smug

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