Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

                “Oh look, I just received ten more death threats on Twitter.” Emily announced in mock happiness, Alex sighed and set his guitar aside. Ben had just confirmed the two of them were “Dating” and of course, the fans weren't taking it very nicely.

                “Remind me, this was good how again?” Alex asked Ben who just got off his phone. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the table where Alex and Emily sat.

                “This was the main plan. They’ll get used to it, okay?” Ben said “Now just relax, we’ll be back at the hotel in about an hour and a half.” And at that he exited just as his phone started to ring once more.

                “So uh, how’s the essay going?” Alex asked, trying to make small talk. Emily shrugged as she set her phone aside and started writing again. She’s been really busy for the past few weeks; Alex had to admire her for that. It must be really hard trying to balance school and work.

                Every Friday, her friends would occasionally tag along now. A thing Jack found extremely annoying. He claims he finds Jessica the same annoying girl she was at high school and Hannah was just downright stupid. Hearing him say it was very ironic considering the fact that he wasn’t the brightest among the bunch himself either.

                “It sucks. I’m writing but I just don’t feel it, you know?” she looked up at him, her bright blue eyes never failed to make his heart skip a beat. Alex looked away before he could go into a cardiac arrest or something.

                “Yeah, that’s happened to me, loads of times actually.” Alex replied as he flipped through his notebook where he wrote songs. Trying to sound and look casual as always.

                “I think I’m having some sort of writer’s block.” Emily muttered as she banged her head onto the table. Alex sighed and tucked some of her hair behind her ear; he lifted her face up once more.

                “Yeah, don’t do that you might get a hemorrhage or something.” He said with a laugh, Emily rolled her eyes at him.

                “You can’t get a hemorrhage just by banging your head onto a table, Alexander.”

                “First of all, you never know. Second of all, don’t call me that. You know how much I hate it.”

                “But I like It.” she pouted

                “Whatever.” Alex said, Emily stuck her tongue out at him which made him laugh. She never failed to make him happy. He was actually starting to learn how to not be nervous when he was around her, which was really saying a lot.

                “Alex! Emily! We need you here!” Jackie’s voice called from the living room, Alex had a feeling on what Jackie was going to talk about but decided not to say anything.

                “Coming!” Emily replied as the two of them got up, she stared at Alex who yawned and stretched “What do you think it’s about?”

                “I’d love to tell you but then I’d have to kill you.” Alex replied with a wink, Emily rolled her eyes and whacked him upside the head.

                “C’mon.” she said, grabbing him by the hand. Jack had told him to make some more moves like putting one of his arms around her waist or something because holding hands was too old fashioned but Alex had never tried it yet.

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