Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“This is my niece Emily the one I've been telling you about?” Aunt Caroline said as she introduced Emily to a lady whom she guessed would be her new boss. She gave off her best smile and politely held out her hand

“It’s nice to meet you ma’am.” She said courteously, the lady shook her hand and then stared at her from head to toe. Emily pretended she didn’t notice and acted casual. She was a bit intimidated by her soon to be boss; she was the kind of lady whom people would usually take for as a snob.

“It’s nice to meet you Emily, I am Ms. Johnson but you can call me Jackie.”  Aunt Caroline gave her niece a reassuring squeeze and smiled at her “I guess that’s my queue to leave then. Good luck with your interview, sweetie.” She said to Emily who just nodded, Aunt Caroline then said her goodbyes and left the room. “Take a seat Emily.” Said Jackie, Emily did as she was told and watched as her interviewer take her own seat behind the desk.

It was her very first job interview and she was at a talent agency. She expected the office of her future boss to be more stylish and fun especially because the woman she was going to work for managed bands. But the office was the exact opposite of that. The walls were colored in a shade of a boring green which made her headache, there was a couch just almost by the doorway in an awful shade of brown along with a center table to match and then there were a couple of photos that hung on the walls. It was an office Emily expected to belong to some kind of boring therapist or something.

“How old are you again?” Emily snapped out of her trance and looked at her interviewer. There was no place for screwing up, she needed this job.

“Eighteen.” She replied, Ms. Johnson nodded and then continued flicking through a folder which Emily assumed would have to be her resume

“Your aunt tells me you’re going to be a working student if you get this job,” she then looked up at Emily “Are you sure you’ll be able to manage that?” she asked seriously.

“I’m sure I’ll be able to. Aunt Caroline says this job will teach me a lot more about time management and I’m pretty much up for that.” Emily replied “And I included my class schedule on my resume, maybe we could work it out with that?” Ms. Johnson rifled through her files and found the schedule, she examined it for a moment and then nodded

“Hmmm…” Ms. Johnson murmured for a few moments, Emily fidgeted in her seat as she did. She was starting to get a little worried “Well, are you sure you really want this job?” Ms. Johnson asked once she looked up at Emily again.

“Yes, yes ma’am.” She said with confidence Ms. Johnson sighed, she looked like she had heard that reply a lot of times in the past and seemed quite tired of it. She folded her hands neatly in front of her and stared at Emily, who saw the weariness in her eyes

“Answer my next question honestly, sweetheart.” Ms. Johnson said in a very grave tone “Are you willing to… cope up with… a couple of immature boys?” Emily stared at her, a confused look on her face “Trust me. This question determines everything.” Emily shrugged

“I guess.” She said carelessly, she didn’t see the point why Ms. Johnson had to ask that “I have a brother and he’s pretty annoying, so yeah.”

“Good.” Said Ms. Johnson, a bit of relief was present in her voice now “That’s because you’ll be working with Against Gravity.” Emily was a bit taken aback, she knew there was a possibility she would have to work with them considering the fact that the company was big but she never really expected that to happen; she felt a bit awkward about it mainly because they were schoolmates but she dismissed the feeling.

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