Chapter Twenty six

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Chapter Twenty six

                The verdict ended up with a tie and Alex was pretty much contented with that. After dinner, everyone felt sleepy but the chatter kept them up. Jackie took out a bottle of wine, a thing the boys found surprising. What was even more surprising was that she let them have a couple of glasses along with her, Joe and Rob.

                Alex took only a sip from his glass and headed out to the living room to keep Aria, who Jackie didn’t permit to even get a sip from because she was too young, company. Emily followed his suit. The two of them sat on the sofa while his sister sat by their feet on the floor.

                “Today was pretty fun.” Aria commented with a small smile.

                “I know,” Alex said with a yawn. He then lifted his feet off the ground and lay back on the sofa; Emily gave him a light nudge on his side but did the same. “It was pretty tiring though.”

                “You can say that again,” Agreed Emily as he put an arm around her shoulder. “Who knew grocery shopping could be that stressful?” They were silent for a few moments; most of the sounds that were heard mostly came from the dining area where Dylan, Adrian, Jack and the others were still having drinks.

                “Hey Alex?” Aria’s voice was barely a whisper as she turned to look up at her brother with her large, brown, and innocent eyes. Alex gave a small mumble of recognition, his eyes were already closed and he was already feeling the power of sleep starting to overcome him; Emily snuggled closer up to him and hugged his waist which only made him want to give in much more.

                “I just want you to know… I’m thankful for having you as my brother.” Aria whispered softly, and then he drifted away. Alex wasn’t sure if it really happened or if it was just some kind of dream but somehow he knew it was true because right before he drifted away to sleep, he remembered his lips form a small smile before he did.

*                                                              *                                                              *

“DON’T WAKE ME UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP!” The sudden outburst of Jack and Dylan singing Chris Brown songs made Alex jolt up awake. Emily, who lay next to him, groaned and grabbed a nearby pillow to bury her head. For a moment, he felt confused but happy to see her next to him and then he remembered last night and smiled; ignoring his rude awakening.

“Don’t you guys feel the least bit hung over?” Alex asked as he got up and stretched. Jack and Dylan were still dancing and singing to “Don’t Wake Me Up” and it was a pretty funny sight mainly because they weren’t the best dancers out there.

“Nah, we’re fine!” Dylan answered, completely hyped up. “We stopped drinking at like twelve am, same goes with the adults. They were lucky though. They were able to reach their room.”

“What do you mean?” Alex asked in confusion, walking towards their direction to tone down the music a little bit for Emily. Jack and Dylan didn’t even bother to get mad at him because they were too hyper.

“Well, we were so drunk we didn’t even reach our room.” Jack said happily as he jumped up and down. “We fell asleep on the table. But don’t worry! Jackie and the others didn’t get that drunk. They only like, had three glasses and laughed with us for a couple of minutes and then headed to bed – well, Jackie did. Rob, Ben and Joe watched us get wasted a little bit longer while they made sure there weren’t any devices in the room we could use to hurt each other and then left.”

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