Chapter Twenty two

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Chapter Twenty two

                Emily watched some leaves fall one by one from their trees as she sat in the ground with a stack of her textbooks next to her. She rubbed her two hands together, hoping to get some heat into them. She could study in her dorm if she wanted to but she didn’t. For some odd reason, she preferred to do it outside.

                Midterms were coming and everybody was too busy studying. For Emily, it was much harder than that. Not only did she have to study, she also had to work. Being an assistant was one thing, it was actually easy somehow but being a fake girlfriend… that was a different story.

                “Wutcha doing?”

                “What the – how did you get in here?” Emily asked as she watched Alex take a seat next to her on the grass. Being the paranoid person she was, she took a quick look around to see if there were any bystanders. Luckily, there were none.

                “I have my ways.” Alex replied with a wink. He was wearing his usual disguise, only this time with fake braces. I wonder how he got them, Emily wondered to herself. “Anyways, you didn’t answer my question. What are you doing?” Emily rolled her eyes

                “Studying. Obviously.” She muttered as she jotted down some more notes “Midterms start tomorrow. Didn’t Jackie tell you?”

                “She did.”

                “Then why are you here?”

                “I was bored.”

                “You could get caught. Don’t you remember what happened the last time–“

                “Stop being so negative,” Alex said before she could even finish with a yawn. “Geez Emily, loosen up once in a while.” A smirk started to form across his lips “You know what they say, ‘You only live once’.” She let it slide; there was no use in arguing with Alex. It would be just like arguing with a five year old.

                Silence occupied the air between them. The sound of turning pages and Emily’s pen scratching against paper was the only thing that was heard. It lasted like that for a few more minutes until Alex started whistling. Annoyed, Emily stared at him pointedly. “Can you stop that?”

                “Stop what?”

                “Whistling” Emily replied shortly “It’s annoying.”

                Alex pouted “Then what will I do to pass time then?” He whined “This is more boring than staying at the hotel.” Emily heaved a sigh and went back to writing.

                “Well no one said you’ll find something interesting to do here.” She muttered aloud. Alex shifted beside her and lay down on the ground. It was starting to get a little windy; a couple of the leaves that had fallen to the ground were starting to dance along with the breeze.

                “Oh, I’ll find something.” Alex said lightly “In the mean time, what do you suggest I do?”

                “Keep quiet.”

                With a sigh, Alex sat up once more and looked over Emily’s shoulder to see what she was even studying about. Emily could tell he didn’t really understand, and he had no intentions of doing that or whatsoever.

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