Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

It had been an hour, Jackie had already cleaned herself up while giving a sermon to the boys (she was screaming at them from the bathroom) “Now that that’s over,” Jackie said with a sigh, the boys just stared at her from their seats. They had run out of witty comebacks by then, and their ears were aching. “Let’s now get over with what we were really supposed to do,” she looked over at Emily who took a stood beside her “This is Emily and she is your new assistant.”

Jack snorted “Yeah, more like baby sitter.” Jackie gave him a look


“Sorry.” Jack mumbled

“Good.” Said Jackie, she then looked at Emily “Now, I’ll just give you some time to brief with them with your schedule and such. I’ll just be in the other room if you need me.” She looked one last time at the boys and each gave them an evil eye and the “I’m watching you” fingers and at that she left. There was an awkward silence at first. Nothing but the sound of the air-conditioning was heard.

Emily took a deep breath and a step forward. The boys did nothing but stare at her, which made the situation even more awkward. Like Alex, the other boys had some new style but other than that they still looked the same; only this time they were fixed to make girls drool.

“Well, I’m Emily.” She started “I’m not really sure if you remember me, but we went to school together?”

“Wow, I can’t believe she actually remembers.” Said Dylan, yawning as he did  

“Of course I do.” Emily said “I have a pretty good memory.”

“Oh really?” said Jack in disbelief, “I don’t believe you. You were one of the popular girls. You never looked at us twice.” Emily gave off an obvious fake smile. She was starting to find them annoying. She could tell that they were underestimating her, something of which she knew she would prove them wrong of.

“I remember each of you perfectly.” Emily said with confidence, she first looked at Adrian who was sitting at the left end of the couch “You once tried out for the football team and you were pretty good. But you didn’t make the cut because of those douches that wanted to get in so badly.” Adrian was surprised, he never knew she knew that heck, he didn’t even know she knew him back in High school.

“How did you know that?” Adrian asked, everyone was staring at Emily the same way he was. They never talked about that incident; it used to upset Adrian a lot. Emily rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip

“I was a cheerleader. I was there when you tried out.” She said simply, she then looked over at Dylan next “You were my seatmate during Biology and all those other science classes.” She then moved over to Jack and smirked “You were that kid that always copies off of someone.” Jack stared at her indignantly, his friends on the other hand laughed which made Emily’s grin grow even wider. Once they settled down she then looked over at Alex, and the awkward silence was back. Emily ignored it though.

“And you…” Emily started; he stared at her with a slightly nervous look on his face. “You were my seatmate when I first went to class in middle school.” She then looked at all of them “So, who among you still think I was some stupid girl who never paid attention to anything?” the boys were silent. Emily smiled

“Good.” She said “Now, my school schedule is kinda hectic.” Emily started as she rifled through a folder “During Mondays and Tuesdays my classes last until four in the afternoon, during Wednesdays they last until five, same thing during Thursdays. But during Fridays, my classes are only during the morning.” She looked up at the boys who looked pretty confused “Oh and my classes always start at eight or nine in the morning. Except on Fridays, they start at seven.”

“And you’re telling us this because?” Asked Jack, Emily rolled her eyes

“So you guys know when I’ll be gone.” She said

“But that’s gonna be like all the time.” Dylan pointed out “How will you be able to balance?”

“It’ll be easy.” Emily said in a care free tone “Besides, I’m the one holding your schedule so I’ll easily be able to know when to readjust and such.”

“But what if we like…” Adrian started “Need you, and you weren’t here?”

“Good question,” Emily complimented, “Anyways, if you guys need me I am just a text away.” And at that she started distributing small pieces of paper with her number written on them, “Anymore questions?” Adrian raised his hand, Emily nodded at him “Yes, Adrian?”

“Are you sure you’re actually going to trust Jack with your number?” he asked, Emily then looked over at Jack who was playing innocent. Emily rolled her eyes at him.

“Well, it’s not like I have a choice.” She said, she then looked over at Dylan who raised his hand too “Yes, Dylan?”

“How are you able to walk in those shoes?” he said, pointing at her heels which made all the boys stare at it themselves.

“It’s easy.” Emily said a bit annoyed “Now are there any questions that actually make sense?” the boys were silent “Good, well I think I’d better get going now. See you guys tomorrow.” And at that she headed for the door

“Good luck.” Emily looked back once more at Jack who was smirking

“What for?” she asked; Jack’s smirk grew even wider he tilted his head towards Dylan’s direction

“Why don’t you explain, D?” he said “You’re the smart one.” 

“No one lasts for no longer than about two weeks.” Dylan said simply, Emily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms “Game on then.” She said with a smirk. The boys took quick glances at each other and grinned “What are you exactly trying to say?” Asked Adrian, grinning just like his friends.

“That I’m here to stay.” She said smugly

“Well, don’t get this the wrong way but… no one ever does.” Said Alex, smiling himself “Not with Jack and the pranks we pull around.” Emily just smirked once more

“We’ll see about that.” And at that she left the room

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