Chapter Three

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A/N: This one is for ilurvbooks another of my favorite writers here. She's the genius who made "The Bet":) anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter Three

After a year and a half

“This is unfair!” Emily Summers whined, pouting and crossing her arms like a child in front of her parents “I’m a college student now. All of my classmates have cars. Why can’t I?” she had had this argument with her parents for quite a while now, and she was getting tired of it.

“Because your father and I have discussed it and thought that we’ve been spoiling you for too long,” her mother replied, massaging her temples. Emily wasn’t the only one who was tired of this argument “Like you said, you’re a college student now. And we think that you should start working for things you really want.” Emily rolled her eyes and put one hand on her hip, she looked over to her father who looked as tired as her mother

“This is just unfair.” She yammered “Jason got a car when he was my age!”

“That’s because your brother worked for it.” Her father pointed out, “You’re the one being unfair.” Emily rolled her eyes once more “Well, what do you guys expect me to do then?” she asked, tapping her foot impatiently on her parents’ perfectly carpeted floor.

“Your Aunt Caroline works for a talent agency; she says she could get you a job as an assistant for some band.” Mrs. Summer explained, as she started rifling through a folder which Emily guessed had something to do with work “She says you’ll get a nice salary and you’ll learn how to manage time and balance your schedule.” She then looked up at her daughter who was still staring at her moodily “Maybe then we could cut back some of your allowance since you’re earning some cash.”

Emily felt her jaw drop; she stared at her mother with an indignant look on her face

“The deal was I earn money to buy a car!” she cried “There was nothing about cutting part of my allowance!” her mother held up a hand

“Yes I know,” she said exhaustedly “But since you’ll be earning some money, your father and I might as well cut some of the money we give you considering the fact that you’ll be earning some of your own.”

“Besides, it’ll be nice to stop paying credit card bills that aren’t really meant for us.” Her father added, Emily crossed her arms once more and pouted immaturely. Mr. Summers sighed and waved a hand dismissively “Stop acting so immature, Emily. Nothing you do is going to change our minds.”

She narrowed her eyes at both her parents

“Fine.” She snapped “I’ll go now then. And at that she walked out of the room, slamming her parents’ study shut. “Well you better get started on picking out what you’ll be wearing!” Mrs. Summers called from the other side “Your Aunt Caroline said you’re going to be –“

“Yeah, yeah I know!” Emily cried in as she stomped her way towards her room, she muttered a string of curses along the way. Once she had reached her room, just like what she did to her parents’ study, she slammed her bedroom door and crashed onto a nearby sofa.

“I’m guessing it didn’t go well?” Hannah asked, Emily rolled her eyes at her. Up until now she was still friends with Hannah and Jessica. They didn’t go to the same colleges but they still hung out ad kept in touch.

“Isn’t it obvious, H?” Jessica said with a face palm from the window seat. She looked over at Emily who still had a dejected look on her face, “I can’t believe they could afford this town house and can’t get you a car. It’s just impossible. Are you sure you asked nicely?” Hannah snorted as she twirled some of her hair with her fingers

“Hey, I’m stupid but I’m not deaf.” She said “I’m sure you aren’t too, Jessica.” She then looked over at Emily who was giving her a death glare “You were practically screaming at them. We told you. Play it nice and they’ll go with it. Remember?”

Emily ignored her and got up from her seat; she walked over to a nearby window and stared at all the passing cars and people outside. Her parents have been really strict for the past few months, she thought maybe that it was just a phase but after what happened at the study, she was guessing it was a permanent thing. Emily personally thought that since they moved back to their old home, her parents would lighten up a bit considering the fact that they were back at the city and she wouldn’t be around much because of college. But no, it was the exact opposite.

“But hey, they might change their minds.” Said Hannah “Besides, so what if you don’t have a car? You’re gonna stay at school all the time anyway. You’re gonna dorm there remember?”

“Yeah? Well what if I need to go around?” Emily snapped, facing her friend “That is most likely to happen a lot. And you’re just saying that ‘cause you have your own one.”

“Chill, you don’t need to be crabby….” Emily rolled her eyes and turned to face the window once more. Jessica sighed, “Look, maybe you could hitch a ride while you still don’t have your own one.”  She advised “Besides, from what I’ve heard from your mom’s scolding she says this job your aunt got you pays big? And it has something to do with a band?”

Emily looked back at them, one eyebrow raised

“Yeah? So?” Jessica rolled her eyes

“Bands pay big. You’ll get that car in no time at all.” She said in a bored tone “Besides, it might be a cool band. You might get to bond with some hot guys.” Hannah squealed

“I wonder what band it’ll be?” she said giddily, snagging one of Emily’s pillows from her bed and hugging it “It would be so cool if it were one Direction. Those guys are soooooo cute!” she squealed “Or better yet, what if it were Against Gravity?! Oh my god, you are so getting me tickets, Em!” Emily sighed and shook her head; she knew Hannah was going to be ‘oh-so-happy’ about her new job.

“Can you believe those guys were actually our classmates?” Hannah gushed, Emily and Jessica were so used to her talking about them, Emily found it annoying most of the time “They are so hot, which isn’t surprising because during school –“ Emily snorted

“Oh please, Hannah.” She cut in “You didn’t even know those guys existed when we were at school.” She added as she entered her walk in closet and started searching for something decent to wear to the interview

“Hey! I knew Dylan –“

“Yeah, as I recall you called him ‘that weird guy who plays that guitar with only three strings’” Jessica pointed out, Emily snickered from inside her closet

“I can hear you, Emily.” Hannah called “And don’t be so cocky, you didn’t know them either.”

Emily smirked and bobbed her head out her closet door so her friends could partly see her, she looked over to Hannah with a smug look on her face “Actually, H.” she started “I knew one of them. I knew Alex Night. I was his seatmate back in the fourth grade until before we went into high school. Remember?” Hannah gave her a dark look which made her grin even wider, Hannah was about to haul a pillow at her but that was when she ran back inside to her closet, laughing.

“Chill, H.” she heard Jessica say, Emily could tell she was holding back a few laughs herself “I’m sure, Em will get us back stage passes if it were Against Gravity. Right, Em?”

“Yeah, yeah I will.” She replied, still laughing. Her bad mood was slowly dying now.

“See, now c’mon we need to help her look presentable if we want to get those back stage passes.”

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