The Words I Never Said

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This story was inpired while I was listening to music, but it was mainly inspired by that awesome song on the right. Hope you all like it, I'll be posting the first real chapter later.:)xx



If you like someone, tell them. They might like you back and you might’ve missed the biggest opportunity of your life. But that doesn’t really apply to everyone. For example: What if you were in love with your sister’s boyfriend. Would you tell him? No right? It would ruin his relationship with your sister.

Now I know what you’re thinking….

“This is just another story about how a boy likes a girl but he can’t tell her.”

In a way, that is true. BUT, let me tell you this…

Every love story, every story, every book that you read has something that makes it special. And this one is no different. What makes it special? Well I’d love to tell you, but that would ruin the suspense in it all. Let’s just put it this way,

Behind every smile there lies a story

Behind every story lies a problem

And behind love lies a broken heart

Same goes with music; behind the melody and rhythm you’re left with the lyrics. And sometimes, there’s more to them than you think. Some people judge a song by its beat or its tempo, some on the other hand judge if they like it by the lyrics I would have to be one of those people who judge it just like the latter but that’s not my point. I know I’m being vague, so I’ll just put it like this:

I've written hundreds of songs and behind them are some things I never had a chance to say.

This is a story about the words I never said.

Well, technically…. They were said…only in a different way.

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