Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

“What? You can’t not go! We’ll be one man down!” Alex cried indignantly at Dylan who rolled his eyes and practically ignored him “Dude, you’ve already watched all the Harry Potter movies!”

“Yes that is true. And it was my childhood.” Said Dylan as he crashed onto the couch and held onto the remote, Alex stood in front of him with his arms crossed; blocking Dylan's view of the TV “And if you don’t mind, I would like to commemorate it because I have completed all eight DVDs, and may I remind you there’s still Jack and Adrian, AND it was your bright idea to start picking her up in the first place.” He threw a pillow at Alex “Now get out of my way.”

Alex narrowed his eyes at him and with a loud huff he walked away. He’ll admit, what Dylan said was true. It really was him he thought of the idea of picking Emily up, he thought it would get him to warm up to her and well finally tell her the truth. But like always, he didn’t know how to say it so he decided to take his friends along.

“Well, I guess it’s just us three then.” Alex said with a sigh, looking over at Jack who was laying face flat onto the other couch next to the one Dylan was sitting at.

“Yeah, I think I can’t make it either too, bro.” he said, his voice was a bit muffled because his head was covered under some pillows.  He peeped from under his pillows at Alex who was giving him the evil eye. Jack gave a loud sniff. “I don’t feel so good.”

“No you don’t.” Alex said, narrowing his eyes at his best friend. “You can’t be sick. You don’t even look sick.” Jack coughed loudly and sat up so he could look at Alex properly, his hair was a mess and his eyes looked like they were rubbed over and over again.

He’s definitely faking it, Alex confirmed to himself.

“I swear, you can just be so selfish at times.” Jack said “Can’t you see how sick I am? I look like a mess!”

                “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s how you always look like, Jack.” Alex said in a bored tone, Jack shot him a look but Alex ignored it “Now can you stop whining and get up?” Jack narrowed his eyes at his best friend and then sank back onto the couch.

                “I don’t feel so good.” He whined “Jackie, can you get me some milk?” Jackie, who was sitting by the kitchen counter, rolled her eyes as she turned her PDA off and sipped some of her coffee but did as she was asked. Alex sighed, giving up. He walked over to his last hope.

                “I guess it’s just you and me then, Adrian.” He said to Adrian who was sitting next to Jackie who on the other hand was currently pouring some milk into a cup. Adrian looked at him tentatively

                “Yeah, I think I have to bail on this one too, Alex.” He said with a sigh.

                “Oh really?” Alex said testily “Why?”

                “I have to fix up the songs –“

                “You just finished the new album the other day.” Alex countered “I haven’t even written anything new yet. You have nothing to add beats to. You guys are setting me up!” Alex cried accusingly, Jackie shot him a look “Lower your voice down, Alexander.” She scolded, Alex ignored her

                “Dude, you can’t rely on us forever.” Jack called from the couch, Dylan who had paused his movie nodded in agreement “Yeah,” he even said “What if the time comes we aren’t friends with you anymore? Huh?”

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