Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

“Step two: Be seen going out very often, but not all the time.”

“Shouldn’t we like… confirm we’re ‘together’ first?” Alex pointed out, crossing his arms as he sat beside Emily on the tour bus with Ben lecturing them as usual from across the table. Ben rolled his eyes at Alex’s statement.

“We haven’t commented yet, Alexander.” He said “But we will in a few more days. And you’ll be the one to do it, via internet of course.”

“Why do I have to do it?”

“It’ll seem more real and sincere.” Ben said with a shrug as he looked out the window “Now you two run along now, it’s a nice day and there’s a park nearby. Go take a walk together.” He looked at the two of them once more “Remember what I always say –“

“Act sweet.” Alex cut in with a yawn

“Keep our heads down and walk briskly when the paps are around.” Emily added


 “And look happy.” They finished in unison, Ben grinned but before he could start complimenting them, Alex grabbed Emily by the hand and they headed out of the kitchen he knew Ben would just go on and on again. He still sometimes couldn’t believe they were doing this, it made him happy and sad at the same time. Happy because there were a lot of up sides, like he could hold Emily’s hand and go out with her on “dates” the sad part was pretty much the reality, none of it was real. It was all fake. It was nothing but a publicity stunt.

“Where are you two going?” Jack asked as he played video games with Dylan, a grin plastered on his face as the two of them passed by him in the living area. Alex rolled his eyes and tried his best not to smile; his friends loved the whole fake dating thing. Especially Jack, because he knew Alex – though he would never admit it – was enjoying it in a way.

“Ben says we should go out. As usual.” Emily said with a sigh as she grabbed a couple of her things, Alex buried his hands deep in his pockets and looked over at his friends who were all staring at him despite the fact that they were talking to Emily.

                “Well you two have fun then.” Adrian snickered; Alex stuck his tongue out at him.

                “Just curious, what do you two exactly do when you ‘go out’?” Dylan asked with a smirk, as he ran a hand through his blonde hair and readjusted his nerdy glasses.

                “We’ve only gone out once.” Alex reminded

                “Well, you never told us what you did the first time.”

                “We ate.” Emily answered with a shrug as she faced them again. “You ready?” she asked Alex who discreetly gave his smirking friends one last death glare “Yeah, let’s go.” He replied as he held her hand again, he felt his stomach do somersaults when he did but he was used to it.

                “See you later.” Jack, Adrian and Dylan called in unison

                “Hey, Gossip girl is on later I’m guessing you guys would be back by then?” Jack snickered, “I saw your tweet Emily even I didn’t know Alex liked that show.” Emily laughed she looked up at Alex who gave her a look of annoyance,

                “Aww, c’mon I hear the episode later is awesome.” She cried as Joe opened the exit “I saw a spoiler on the internet saying that Bart Bass is alive!” Alex snorted as they hopped out of the bus.

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