Chapter Twenty three

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Chapter Twenty three

            “Give yourself a break, Emily.” Alex said as he shut the refrigerator door shut. He leaned against it and started sipping the milk out of the carton he was currently holding, a thing Jackie – who luckily wasn’t in the room – hated. “The holidays are coming. You can’t possibly have any school stuff to do.”

            “True,” Emily agreed as she continued scrolling through her laptop “but I still have work things to fix up. Like, who are you guys going to have interviews with on Tuesday and when you’ll be recording and when you’ll resume touring and more stuff.”

            How she could manage everything, Alex had now idea. He had to admire her for that. He couldn’t imagine trying to get an education and working at the same time. He watched as Emily typed and scribbled madly away. There was something about her when she worked that he found interesting. It was “cute” and “funny” to him somehow, in a good way of course.

            “What are you staring at?” Emily asked, staring at him with a bewildered look on her face.

            Alex snapped out of his thoughts “Nothing.” He said in a nonchalantly, Emily stared at him for a moment and then went back to what she was doing. Silence filled the room and Alex kept it that way. That was of course, until Adrian and Jack came in.

            “Where’re you spending Thanksgiving, Em?” Adrian asked

            “Don’t know.” Emily replied, still completely engrossed in her work “Maybe at home or something. I’m not yet sure.”

            A smug look started to form on Jack’s face. He took a quick glance at Alex. “Why don’t you spend it here instead?” Jack told her. Emily’s brows furrowed as she looked away from her laptop to take a quick sip from her coffee.

            “Is that even allowed?”

            “You obviously weren’t listening to me the other day.” Alex said with a smirk, Emily stuck her tongue out at him.

            “But won’t you guys come home or something?” She asked,

            “We don’t usually come home during Thanksgiving.” Adrian explained “What about you? What’s your excuse?” Emily snorted

            “Let’s just say I’d rather work this year.” She muttered.

            Alex had a feeling it was because of her brother why she didn’t want to come home. For some reason he couldn’t comprehend, Emily had some sort of vendetta against her elder brother, Jason. Jason wasn’t really that bad, from what Alex remembers. He was a bit cocky at times, but not that bad.

            “Stay here then.” Adrian said, Jack grinned.

            “Yeah, you could meet Alex’s sisters.”

            Alex choked on his milk. “I’m sorry, but what did you just say?” He sputtered as he wiped off the milk moustache that had formed above his lips.

            “Your sisters are coming.” Adrian told him, Alex stared at his friend in disbelief “I’m guessing that Jack didn’t tell you?”

            Alex shot Jack – who looked like he was holding back laughter – a look. “Obviously.” He then looked over at Adrian again “When did they call and when are they coming?” The thought of having his sisters around Emily worried and scared Alex. Even their families didn’t know about the whole dating situation being a fraud.

            “Awww c’mon Alex, it’s not like both of them are coming.” Jack said as he put an arm around Alex who was still giving him murderous looks “Your mom actually wanted all of them to come – you know, your whole familia – but your dad said you’d be embarrassed and other stuff but Aria really wanted to see you so yeah.”

            “She really wanted to see you.” Alex echoed in a disbelieving tone “I highly doubt that.” He said with his arms crossed. He couldn’t even imagine the thought of his little sister uttering the words ‘I miss you Alex’. It was pure madness.

            “What? She’s your little sister for Christ’s sake!” Jack cried “How can she not want to see you? It’s been months, man.”

            “Oh please,” Alex said in annoyance “I bet you bribed her or something.” Jack stared at him indignantly with his mouth slightly dropped. He pursed his lips, obviously about to say something but Adrian beat him to it.

            “It’s no joke, bro.” He said, clasping a hand over Alex’s shoulder. “I heard Aria say it herself. I didn’t know she was flying solo though.” Adrian shot Jack a look “Jack was being a phone whore as usual when your mom called.”

            Jack ignored Adrian’s insult. “Well there you have it,” He declared “Adrian said it himself, so I’m guessing you believe me now then?” he asked Alex who was currently deep in thought “Anyways, you Emily should better prepare. It’s not every day you get the chance to meet a member from Alex’s family.” Jack told her with a wink as he started to exit the room.

            Adrian did the same, which left Alex alone with Emily once more.

            “So I’m guessing you don’t want Aria to come?” Emily guessed, Alex shook his head as he stared blankly into space, completely immersed in his thoughts.

            “No, it’s not that.” Alex replied “I want to know why she’s coming.” He had an inkling that his little sister wasn’t coming all the way from Crestville for nothing.


Why do you think Alex's sister wants from him? Hahaha, stay tuned to find out :))) Oh God, that was tacky. Hahaha. Anyways, I was supposed to upload this yesterday but I was waiting for the votes to come on the other chapter but I couldn't help myself.:)

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