Chapter Twenty nine

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Chapter Twenty nine

                “You have dozens of CDs,” Emily noted as she checked out Aria’s shelf of music. Aria nodded proudly. It was quite obvious that she cherished her music very much. All of the CDs were stacked alphabetically by artist, some by year.

                Over to the A section, Emily easily spied Against Gravity right next to Aerosmith. She smiled a bit and saw that Aria had all four of Against Gravity’s studio albums and both of their EPs. She looked over to Aria. “Which one’s your favorite Against Gravity album?”

                Aria snorted as she crashed onto her bed. Emily walked over to her temporary one and sat on it herself. She watched Aria, who grabbed a fuzzy ball right by her bedside drawer; the latter then tossed it up towards the ceiling and caught it.

                “You have no idea how many people have asked me that question,” Aria said. She looked over at Emily, “But since you’re not a deranged fan like the people who ask me, I’ll answer. Scream and Shout.”

Emily nodded. Scream and Shout was Against Gravity’s first studio album, she still remembered the day when the AG’s first single from it came out. “I would have said their first EP,” Aria went on, “But let’s face it, the audio quality sort of sucked. So yeah Scream and Shout it is.”

Aria was the sort of girl you’d see at school and would register to one’s mind as a rebel, but when you got to know her – if she actually let you do that – she’s a really nice, talkative teenager who loves music just like everyone else.

“I told Alex that if he ever uses auto tune, I’ll lose all the respect I have for him,” Aria said with a cheeky grin. “He used it one time though –on Take Me Anywhere, their third album— People hardly ever noticed it, but I did. He told me though that he only did that because his throat was sore during the recording and it was only for the notes he couldn’t handle.”

Emily gave her a perplexed look, her eyebrows were knitted together. “How’d you know his voice was auto tuned?” That song of theirs was familiar to her. She started playing it in her head, nothing sounded auto tuned to her.

Aria gave a sheepish smile and ran a hand through her hair. “Well, if you listen to the first verse and the chorus really closely, you’ll hear a small change in Alex’s voice,” she explained, “It’s sort of hard to explain, but yeah, something like that.”

Emily pursed her lips, she was about to say something but that was when Mrs. Night hollered from the first floor. “Time for dinner everyone!” It was exactly seven thirty pm. Aria groaned in annoyance. “You know, that skill of yours could come in handy someday,” Emily said with a wink.

Aria grinned. “Yeah, I hope so,” she said.

                Mrs. Night hollered once more and Aria sent her a reply of another of her over-exaggerated groans. Emily laughed a bit as she hopped off her bed “Don’t worry, we can still talk later,” she reassured her. Aria sighed but smiled and followed her suit.

                “It feels good to finally have someone to chat with,” she told Emily. “All Ashley talks about is her fiancé and the wedding and other sappy stuff.”

“What’s he like?” Emily asked. They passed by Alex’s room where the boys were still playing a game of Left 4 Dead on a Play Station. “Ashley’s fiancé, I mean.” Aria shrugged.

“He’s cool, I guess,” she replied, “He’s able to tolerate Ashley, so I have to give him props for that. He’s coming over tonight, so yeah, you’ll see for yourself.”

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