Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

“How long must I endure this?” Emily groaned as she banged her face onto her textbook. She had asked Jackie a few minutes ago if she could take a day off for the day because of exams. Jackie willingly said yes, she said she understood the situation. A thing Emily highly appreciated.

She had just taken three exams earlier that day, which she thinks she did pretty well at. She took this course because she loved it and she knew she could do something with her life with it. Then why was she complaining? Well, even in college there was math. She thought she could drop the subject but it was just unavoidable.

“Curse you mathematics and the woman or man who ever made you!” Emily screamed, almost pulling her hair out. She crashed onto her bed and covered her head under a pillow and just screamed. It was only her second day of exams and she was already cracking.

After a few more minutes of screaming under her pillow, Emily sat up and composed herself again. “Deep breaths, Emily. Deep breaths.” She said to herself as she breathed in and out “Keep calm. It’s only math. You passed high school, you can pass college.” She mumbled to herself as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples “You can do this… you can do this… you can do this… you can –“

Beep. Beep.

Her chants and train of calm and happy thoughts was cut short by the sound of her phone vibrating. She narrowed her eyes at it as if it were some kind of loathsome cockroach. Emily grabbed it, not even bothering to look who it was and then answered it. She had no time for Against Gravity’s pranks “What now, Jackson? I have exams tomorrow and you are not helping. What did I say about the phone calls? Do you want me to resume the jogging –“

“Whoa, it’s just me.”


“Can you not call me that?”

Emily smiled as she let herself fall back onto her soft covers, “But I like calling you that.” She whined, staring up at the ceiling of her dorm. She had stuck loads of glow in the dark stars on it so she didn’t feel so alone at night. It was immature, she knew that but she liked it.

“Whatever.” Alex said from the other line, “I can see you’re still up.”

“Obviously.” Emily said rolling her eyes “I wouldn’t be talking to you if I was asleep now, will I?”

“Chill.” He said with a laugh “Uh, but you do realize it’s past twelve am right?” Emily scrunched her eyebrows in confusion and scrambled up to look at her digital clock by her bed. And he was right. It was a few more minutes until one am. She didn’t notice how fast time has gone.

“Nope, not until now.”

“How could you not notice that?”

“Because I didn’t try to.” Emily said simply “Now are you just calling to point out how absent-minded I am about time or what?” she asked as she sank back to her covers. She couldn’t believe she had been studying for so long. Exams finished by noon and she started studying at something like three, she took breaks though of course.

“Nah. I uh… I just can’t fall asleep and I thought about playing some Tekken but no one wanted to play with me and then I thought of you but you weren’t here so yeah…” He sort of rambled “I sort of missed kicking your butt.” Emily laughed

“You are so cocky.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much me.” Emily laughed again, she wondered how he looked like from the other line. “Hey, don’t you feel sleepy?”

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