Chapter Fifteen

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                Chapter Fifteen

                “What now?” Emily asked as she buckled up, she looked over at Alex who looked like he was deep in thought as he held onto the steering wheel. She wanted to ask where Rob was but decided not to pry. Emily took a quick glance outside from the car’s heavily tinted windows and saw that there were already a horde of paparazzi running towards the car. Before she could even react, Alex roared the engine to life and started driving like crazy.

                “There are a couple of extra clothes at the back.” Alex said as he swerved past a couple of cars, Emily silently thanked God that she didn’t forget to put on her seatbelt. “You better change. It would be best if they didn’t see your face when we get off at the hotel.” Emily sighed, he was right.

                “Could you at least drive slowly?” she said uncomfortably as she removed her seatbelt “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

                “I’d love to, but I can’t.” He mumbled as he took a sharp turn which made Emily accidentally hit the window. “Sorry.”

                “No biggie.” Emily mumbled as she cringed at the pain her right arm felt. “I’ll go change now.” She started crawling towards the back which was pretty hard with Alex’s maniac driving skills. He kept swerving the car left and right, which made her do the same. Emily ended up falling face first into the backseat.

                “Owwww.” She mumbled as she rubbed her now red nose and sat up.

                “Sorry.” Alex said, slowing down a bit. Emily glanced over his shoulder to take a look at the speedometer, she sighed in relief he had gone from a hundred and twenty to ninety. It wasn’t much, but at least he went slower right? “The clothes are under the chairs, there’re also some shoes and glasses.”

                Emily bent over and saw that under the seats were a couple of boxes; she pulled all of them out and laid them onto the leather seats. She opened the largest one first which held five pairs of Converse shoes. “Jackie makes us pack in case of emergencies,” Alex explained “The smallest pair’s yours I think. Didn’t she ask you your shoe size during your interview?”

                Emily gave him a bewildered look as she kicked off her damaged heels and grabbed the smallest pair of sneakers “No.” she said, from the rearview mirror she saw Alex smirk.

                “Figures,” he said with a chuckle “She once asked that and the girl got crept out and thought Jackie was insane.” Emily laughed at the thought of Jackie doing so as she tied her shoe laces. Once she was done, she got onto her knees and opened the other boxes. One held some jackets, another had some jeans and the last one had sunglasses and other accessories.

                Emily decided to go with her current jeans even if they were dirty and tattered, slipped on a pair of oversized glasses and then put on a black jacket that was way too big for her. It fell halfway through her thighs and its sleeves were so long it reached the palms of her hands.

                “You done?” Alex asked, glancing over his shoulder to take a look at her. Emily nodded as she started putting the boxes into place again.

                “Yep.” She replied, slipping the last box back into place. Alex watched as she started scrambling back towards the shotgun seat, once she was buckled up again; she looked up at Alex who had a grin on his face. “What are you smiling about?” Emily asked, her brows furrowing together in confusion

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