32 - Civil War

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I pulled my coat tighter across me as I walked to the school's entrance. It was exam week and you could feel the tension in the air. This week would separate the studiers from the slackers. I just hoped I was part of the former.

I was nearing the gate when I spotted a familiar figure not too far away. My heart practically dropped to my stomach when I realised it was Cyrus. Dressed in all black, his tall figure stood out among the sea of lighter colours. As I neared him I realised his eyes were on me.

I sighed, things that John and Tobi had said about him going through my head. Stay away from him, he's bad news. Well, I had to walk past said bad news so I couldn't exactly ignore him.

I still attempted to though, keeping my eyes directly on the school's entrance as I passed him. It wasn't effective.

"Ay, Woods!" His deep voice called out, gaining my attention and others. I turned around, approaching him.

"Long time no see Hannah. How's the double life going for you?" I greeted, trying to sound at ease and feeling anything but. His lips titled into a smirk.

"It's tough, but when you're famous it can be kinda fun." He played along and I giggled at the Hannah Montana song reference.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, tilting my head to meet his gaze. "So, what are you doing here?"

He nodded at the entrance. "Just dropped Chinks off, and saw you so thought I'd stop for a talk."

"Okay..." I nodded. "You're friend didn't accompany you?"

"Ian? He's busy." Cyrus shrugged. His dark eyes peered into mine. "I'm more concerned about your friend though."

"Who?" I asked, attempting to act clueless. My feet shuffled uncomfortably.

He gave me a knowing look. "Allen. When was the last time you saw him?"

Uh oh. I would have answered immediately, that I hadn't seen John in ages but the look in Cyrus's eyes screamed danger.

Lie or tell the truth?

"Oh, you know very recently." I said, waving a dismissive hand. Cyrus raised an eyebrow.

"How recently? Cos we haven't been able to get a hold of him lately."

I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "We hung out like a few days ago, or something."

Cyrus appraised me silently, his eyes narrowed. "When, specifically?"

"Honestly, just a couple days ago." I continued. He sighed, seemingly frustrated.

"Well, if you see him could you tell him to call either me or Ian, cos we have a lot to discuss." Cyrus said with a warning in his tone.

"What kind of things?" The question left my mouth before I could stop it.

Cyrus looked surprised for a second before his lips titled into a dark smile. "Trust me, darling, you wouldn't like to know. See you later, Forest." With that he sauntered off.

"It's Woods!" I called out after him, shaking my head. I entered the school, a shiver down my spine. What trouble had John got himself into?

I decided to call him, unsurprised when it went straight to voicemail. He'd literally disappeared off the face of the earth, nobody knew where he was.

But I couldn't focus on him, not with my first Maths exam in an hour.


Two hours later I entered the cafeteria for break time with an aching bum. Those wooden chairs in the exam hall were too uncomfortable. Chatter and laughter surrounded me on all sides as I walked down the middle, looking for my friends. I smiled when I spotted Elijah, Cory and Melissa on a table.

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