17 - Make Amends

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It was around 10pm when I was preparing to go to bed that I remembered something. I picked up my phone and clicked on Elijah's contact. Even though we weren't in the same class, our classes still did the same English test.

Me: Hey, what poems were on the test?

After a couple of minutes he replied.

Elijah: Streetcar Named Desire or sum like that.

Me: That's the play, silly. What poems?

Elijah: Oh, the Gun and I forgot the other sorry :(.

Elijah: By the way, all the classes were mixed up.

Me: Omg yesssss no more Mrs Brockle. She's had it out for me since that time we caught her with that maths teacher. Do you know who's in my class?

Elijah: Dunno, I think Taylor Marisetta, Cory, Brock, Taylor's cousin and John.

My stomach fluttered with... excitement? Why would I be excited that John was in my class? Oh, actually because it was the perfect opportunity to apologise with him.

After a lot of thinking I realised I was the one who was in the wrong the whole time. I'd left without a trace, yet came back expecting us to be all buddy-buddy again. Plus I'd been pretty rude to him on some occasions, especially our last conversation I'd gone way out of line.

He was a really important person in my life, and I realised I didn't want us to lose that connection over a few petty mistakes. So I had to extend the olive branch.

With my mind made up, I decided to prepare for bed, completely at ease until I remembered one thing...

Taylor Marisetta was in my class!

We'd always had a slight tension between us during middle school. I was sure she saw me as completion for being one of the most popular girls, me with my typical blonde hair and blue eyes and her with the exotic look, as she was from Puerto Rico. I was never too interested in popularity back then so I let her have her reign.

We were fine until her boyfriend took interest in me during 8th grade. I was just minding my business when he decided to flirt with me every time we saw each other, and unfortunately we were caught once, not like I'd been doing anything.

Taylor blamed me, accusing me of purposely seducing him to gain more popularity, as he was deemed one of the hottest guys in our grade.

I'd honestly tried to defend myself, even Sylvester (her boyfriend) admitted he was the one making a move on me, but she was too delusional to believe either one of us.

"Honestly Taylor, no offence but he's not even that hot." I'd shrugged, ignoring the offended look Sylvester shot at me.

"Yet here you are, all over him! Caught white handed!" She exclaimed with a ferocious glare.

"You really need to chill. We're kind of friends, and I wouldn't do this to a friend."

Taylor scoffed and flipped her shiny brown hair over her shoulder. Sylvester took a hesitant step forward.

"Babe," He started in a soothing voice. "Don't blame Chloe; I was the one flirting with her." He admitted, ashamed.

I remembered nodding in approval. Although Sylvester was a cheater, at least he owned up to his actions instead of letting someone else take the blame.

Taylor's demeanour and expression did a full 180 when she focused on him. She immediately shot him a dazzling smile and gave him a pitiful pat on the shoulder.

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