33 - Mission Successful

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I stealthily approached Maya's locker, looking around me cautiously. After confirming the coast was clear I approached it, bringing out my phone. I opened the group chat the consisted of me, Elijah and Cory.


Me: I'm in position.

Cory: Good. Proceed.

I entered the combination and frantically began stuffing her locker. Maya was the helpless romantic type, the one who loved big gestures and sappy stuff. I was stuffing various apology and love letters written on heart shaped paper, I knew she would appreciate gesture.

Me: Mission completed.

Sergeant (Elijah): Have you seen the target?

I backed away from her locker, standing in a hidden place to be on the lookout. Soon enough I saw Maya walking down the hallway in my direction.

Me: Target identified. Approaching the locker.

Sergeant (Elijah): Okay, I'm on the move.

I waited patiently, glancing down at the end of the corridor as Maya entered her combination. Elijah hadn't appeared.

Cory: Sergeant?

Sergeant (Elijah): Guys I can't do it.

Me: Man up, baby. Hurry up, she's about to open it!

Sergeant (Elijah): What if the target doesn't like Gift A?

Cory: We've got your six. Go!

Me: Why are we even talking like we're the military? We're spies...😐

Sergeant (Elijah): On the move.

Phase 1 was simple. Maya would open the locker and too her surprise love letters would fall out. She'd look around for the culprit, and Elijah would walk by at that moment. Then he would be in her head the rest of the day. Or so Elijah claimed.

I looked up as Maya's locker opened and she gasped, stepping back. Everyone in the hallway cooed and she bowed her head sheepishly. Elijah sauntered by as planned and they made eye contact. He sent her a small nod and she stared after him.

I came out of my hiding spot, fist bumping him and approaching Maya. I gave her a small smile.

"That's quite a gesture." I said and she nodded speechlessly.

"Enough to win you back?" I asked hopefully and she nodded, smiling.

"More than enough. After really thinking I realised I was in the wrong as much as he was. I shouldn't have made such a big deal like that and embarrassed him publicly; our relationship is between us two." She explained and I grinned, hugging her.

"That's great; do you want to talk to him now?" I asked, aware that Elijah and Cory were waiting for me around the corner.

She shook her head. "Nah, I'd like to read a couple of these first."

After helping Maya pick them up I walked down the hallway to our meeting place, which was just an empty classroom. Meeting place sounded cooler, though.

I opened the door, immediately shutting it behind me and turning to my fellow spies. "Victory!" I yelled, pumping my fist in the air and they both cheered.

"What exactly does that mean? She'll take me back?" Elijah asked excitedly as I moved closer to them, sitting on a table.

"Yep. I don't even think we need Phase 2." I told him and Cory sighed in relief but Elijah pouted.

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