44 - Remember Me

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Benji had dropped me off but I didn't mention the text message to him. One, I knew he would freak out about it. And two, I had a feeling I knew who was behind it.

There was only one way for my suspicions to be confirmed, though.

I opened my front door and almost tripped over Hugo laying on the welcome mat. A smile spread across my face when I realised if he was here, my sister had to be.

Thankfully, she worked things out with Joe and they all spent New Years here. Then they returned to their house to prepare the children for school.

Before leaving Amber made me promise that I would never hide anything from her again. She said wanted to know every detail of my life, the friends I made, anything that bothers me and the time I used the toilet.

I hoped the last one way a joke.

Anyway, I promised because I felt guilty about keeping things from her which lead to her marriage almost ending. An exaggeration but you get my gist.

That's why, despite my better judgement, I was going to tell her about the ominous message I received.

"Amber!" I squealed when I entered the living room, rushing over to hug her. She hugged me back but pulled away when clung onto her for a minute too


"We literally saw each other last week, Clo." She said with a bemused smile. I grinned at her.

"I know, but can't I be excited to see my favourite sister?"

"I'm your only sister."

"That's besides the point." I dismissed.

"Then what is the point?" Amber questioned suspiciously. "You're acting weird."

Damn. She caught on.

"The point is," I started. "You are the best sister in the world and I love you ever so much."

She stared at me and I stared back, the smile not leaving my face. Hugo's soft bark broke our eye contact.

"Alright, what do you want?" She said and the smile dropped off my face. So much for buttering her up.

"I promised to tell you everything, so here you go." I handed her my phone and watched her expression contort as she read the message.

"Don't tell me you're thinking of going, Chloe." Amber asked in a worried tone. I shot her a look.

"Of course I am. You don't need to worry, I have a pretty good idea about who it is."

"Yeah?" Amber sat on the couch and I followed suit. "Who is it?"

"John." I stated confidently. "He's done creepy and mysterious stuff like this before."

Amber raised an eyebrow. "The same John who almost had a fit when you said you'd been to Blackjack Avenue?"

"Well, yeah-"

"Did it occur to you it could be those guys? What'd you call them... Cyrus and

Ian? You got quite lippy to them at the hospital the other day so they could be out for revenge." Amber pointed out and I froze.

"And I saw them today..." I said to myself but my sister heard.

"What? Tell me what happened."

I quickly summarised my conversation with Maisie that they'd been watching from a distance.

Amber gave me a pointed look when I was done. "I make a valid argument, Chloe. It could be John but I doubt it. Why would he wait this long to contact you when you guys left things on good terms?"

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