41 - Get Even

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I walked down the street to Benji's house, nervousness twisting my stomach uncomfortably. I knew I had to rectify things with him and I hoped he'd understand where I was coming from.

I glanced up at the sky, frowning at the dark grey clouds. It wasn't that cold at the moment but I wasn't prepared for any rain. With school just finishing, the streets were filled with young kids and their parents, as well as teenagers with newfound independence. I narrowly dodged a guy on a scooter as I turned the corner, entering Benji's neighbourhood.

A couple minutes later I was stood at their door, building up the nerve to ring the bell. The moment I did the door opened to reveal his two younger siblings, Jada and Caleb. They exchanged a worried glance.

"Hi Chloe..." Jada greeted not so enthusiastically. I forced a smile.

"Hey, is Benjamin home?"

"Um..." She gave Caleb an uncertain look. He avoided my eyes as he replied.

"He's out."

A moment of awkward silence passed as I glanced behind em to see his car in their driveway. I jabbed my thumb at it. "His car is here."

Caleb cleared his throat. "Yeah... he took a walk."

I glanced up at the sky which showed it was about to be pouring in a minute but nodded. I could take a hint.

"Okay. Tell him to call me, please?" I said, feeling unfairly sad and they nodded before slamming the door in my face.

I'd made it a couple steps away when I heard their door open and a familiar voice called out my name. My heart lurched as I turned around to see Benji standing in the doorway.

"Wait a second; I'll give you a drive home." He called out before disappearing inside. I couldn't help but smile. Even when he was angry at me he was still considerate.

I waited patiently at his car, watching him walk down to it. His expression was completely closed off and his hood was up, obscuring his face further. I felt my stomach sink – I'd really messed up.

I entered the car after he did, buckling up and looking out the window. My hands were clasped tightly together as he drove and I gave myself a mini pep-talk to speak up.

"Um, could we talk?" I asked quietly, risking a glance. His jaw was clenched.

"If I wanted to talk I would have invited you inside."

"Instead you got your siblings to lie for you." I retorted, feeling hurt. He shrugged.

"Yeah, I did." His voice lacked any emotion. I'd never heard him use that tone and it worried me.

Was he going to dump me?

"Well, when do you want to talk?" I asked and he sighed.

"Not now, Chloe."


"If we talk it'll turn into an argument, and I don't want to argue with you."

"So you'd rather ignore me?" I asked, confused. I didn't get why he didn't want to solve things immediately. I could take a few harsh words, I was a big girl.

He did exactly that, not bothering to reply. My mouth dropped open and I started at him in disbelief for a good minute. He didn't spare me a glance.

I blinked back tears and turned so I faced the window, watching the raindrops pelt against it. The rest of the ride was spent in silence before we arrived at my house.

"Thanks for the ride." I bit out, exiting the car and running up to my door. I was fumbling with the key when I heard a car door slam and angry footsteps approaching me.

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