35 - It Pours

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Hands shaking and rain pounding on me, I brought out my phone. I squinted, the brightness of the screen hurting my sensitive eyes.

After calming myself down I'd hurriedly left the neighbourhood, knowing the longer I stayed the more likely I was to face some sort of danger. I was sitting on a bench not too far away, scrolling through my contacts.

I was too weak to walk home, feeling physically and mentally drained. My mind was a storm of negativity after what I'd overheard and my body felt like it was in shut down mode.

I was so tired.

I wiped my screen on my soaked jacket, pondering on who to call. Most of my friends were out of the question, I was close with them but not tight enough to randomly call them for a ride.

Well, apart from one.

Brown eyes and a dimpled smile flashed in my mind, calming me down immediately. Benji would help me...

I shook my head. I didn't want him to see me like this, and I'd have to explain what had happened. I needed someone who wouldn't ask questions.

I sat up when it occurred to me.

Joe. My brother in law.

I hated to add to the pile of secrets he was keeping for me, but I had no choice. Joe wasn't the best at comforting, but he knew when to keep quiet and listen, which was exactly what I needed.

I pressed my screen, holding the phone to my ear as I shivered. I looked around, suddenly hyper aware of my surroundings.

It wasn't even six in the evening yet it was pitch black already. Cars zoomed past on the road in front of me but apart from that I was utterly alone.

I sighed, forcing myself to stand up. As I did I heard Joe's voice in my ear.

"Hey, Blondie." He greeted fondly. I felt myself smile slightly at the nickname. It was self-explanatory.

"Hey, are you busy right now?" I asked quietly as I attempted to start walking. My legs were shaking but I pushed on.

"Terribly, but what's up? I guess I can spare a second." Joe teased. I let out a shaky breath.

"Um, could you please come and pick me up?" I asked timidly. He sharply inhaled and I braced myself.

"You're outside?" He exclaimed. "Chloe, it's practically a storm out there! Where are you?"

I cleared my throat. "I'm close to Blackjack Avenue."


Joe had been our neighbour for some time, so he was familiar with the area. Meaning, he knew about the reputation of the neighbourhood I'd named.

"Get to the nearest store and wait there. Turn your data on so I can track your location. And do not hang up." He commanded quietly, sounding extremely pissed off.

"Ok. I'm going to put my phone in my pocket though because my hand is cold." I said quietly. He sighed sharply.

"Of course she's not wearing gloves." I heard Joe mutter. "Let me guess, you don't have a jacket? Or better yet, you're actually wearing a bikini?"

"I'm covered up, Joe."

"I'm covered up, Joe." He mimicked in a high pitch voice. I heard him open a car door so I picked up my pace.

"I'm driving now. Jog to a store, the rain is terrible." Joe told me and I complied, hanging up.

I ended up waiting in a small convenience store, huddled in the corner pretending to look at things. I was worried the owner was getting suspicious when my phone rang.

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