19 - Shady Company

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A week had passed since John and I made up and we were getting on like a house on fire. We'd quickly fallen back into our old routine, the way everything was before I left. Spending majority of our time together and having so much fun.

During these times, sometimes the topic of Australia would come up and things would get a bit tense. I knew he was concerned about what made my mum and I leave, but I wasn't ready to tell him.

I just wanted to avoid thinking about it.

After school on a Tuesday, I was walking by myself towards the school gate with my jacket hood up and earphones in. I noticed two guys who I didn't recognise standing near the gate, smoking what definitely weren't cigarettes.

I sighed and turned my music up slightly as I prepared to walk past them. Just when I walked past the taller guy, I felt a whoosh of air near my bum and I knew what was about to happen.

I swear time seemed to slow down, enough for me to reach behind me and grab an incoming hand.

I turned on my heels, still holding the stranger's hands in a tight grip, meeting his surprised gaze.

"Try that again and you'll lose it." I said in the most intimidating voice I could muster, squeezing his wrist tightly before letting go. He winced, holding it to his chest and staring at me shocked.

Looking at him closer, I realised he was quite attractive. He was tall and lanky, with dark skin, cornrows and two silver ear piercings. After overcoming his surprise he shot me a brilliant white smile.

"Sorry love, I was just trying to tap your lower back." He told me in a surprisingly deep voice. I scoffed, ready to leave when another voice stopped me.

"Dude... that was so badass!" His companion cheered, staring at me with hooded eyes. I grinned back at him, fist bumping him.

He had dirty blonde hair which was tied in a messy man bun and dull brown eyes.

"Thanks, man. I thought I came across pretty intimidating, what do ya think?" I asked, eager for constructive criticism.

He shrugged, taking another drag of his... whatever. "I feel like the insult was pretty common, but you had the element of surprise when you grabbed his hand."

I nodded, mentally taking notes. "Anyway, who are you guys? I'm sure you don't go to this school."

The black guy gave me a shady looking smile. "This is Ian." He introduced, waving a hand to his friend who was singing softly to himself.

"And I'm Cyrus." He must have seen my expression because he sighed. "Yes, like Miley Cyrus."

I couldn't help but giggle. "Cool name. Is Hannah a nickname?" He ignored my lame joke, but Ian laughed hysterically.

"Anyway, you're Chloe, right?" Cyrus asked with a lazy grin on his face. I nodded curiously.

"We're friends of John, that's how I've heard of you." He explained and I breathed in relief. "I wanted to er, tap you earlier to confirm it was you."

"Are you waiting for John or something?" I asked and he nodded. I shrugged.

"Sorry but I haven't seen him much today." Cyrus frowned at that.

"Weird because he should be spending all of his time with you." I nodded slowly, confused as to why he would say that.

"I'm nodding in confusion." I told him and he laughed, but it sent shivers up my spine. Cyrus peered at me closely.

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