1 - Bacon Is A Great Welcome

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I stepped out of the taxi, grinning widely and inhaling deeply. Then I started coughing because someone was smoking next to me.

I cleared my throat and stepped away from the stranger, then started grinning again, imagining the background music.

"It's great to be back." I declared loudly.

"Chloe, you're not in a movie. Come and help me take the suitcases out." My mum deadpanned, interrupting my moment.

"Mum, we talked about this!" I hissed, walking towards the taxi and helping her take the suitcases.

"Well, it's just plain weird to pretend you're in a movie." She retorted and I huffed.

"Think whatever you want, but I'll never stop doing it." I replied and started strutting away like a boss.

Until that stone decided to get in my way.

I let out a little shriek as I fell, clutching my suitcase like it was going to grow hands and catch me. But that would be seriously weird, and prove that magic was real.

Oh oh oh, it's magic! You know, never belive- Focus Chloe!

Anyway, before I hit the ground I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I grinned inwardly as I was pulled up, turning around to see my saviour.

This is it, Chloe! That cliché moment in the movies you've been waiting for, when your future bae catches you...

It was the stranger who made me have a coughing fit.

He was like 40, and he was staring at me with this weird look in his eyes. BEEP BEEP PEDO ALERT! BACK AWAY WITH CAUTION, I REPEAT, BACK AWAY WITH CAUTION-

"You alright there?" He asked, his voice sounding raspy. I awkwardly removed his hands from me and nodded.

"Thanks." I said, giving him a smile.

"The names Jim." He said. I smiled again and nodded then walked away so fast with my suitcase I tripped over it.

I straightened up, calling out an 'I'm okay' to everyone who was watching then carried on walking towards my mum.

"I think you like attracting attention," She said. "Come on."

By the time we reached our old house my face was so stretched because of my smile it looked like I had a banana inside. All the memories, Joe and Amber, Christmas, playing with John, they were all there.

"Home sweet home!" I shouted into the empty space, running into the living room and spinning around.

"Start unpacking, honey." My mum interrupted once again and I rolled my eyes.

"In a minute." I waved her off, gracefully leaping unto the couch, but immediately regretting it because of the dust that was in the air when I landed on it.

I stood up, coughing a bit and walked upstairs and ignoring my mum who was laughing at me. I immediately headed to my room and when I was inside I closed the door. I checked no-one was looking, then walked to my abandoned wardrobe and opened the tiny door inside.

I grinned, not believing it was still there, my secret stash of...

Cookie dough!

Joking, I didn't have the same obsession as my sister.

I loved bacon, and bacon loved me.

If I didn't find future bae soon, I'd surely get married to bacon. Well, if I didn't eat it at the engagement party.

I remembered me and John running into the house and asking his mum what was for breakfast. She'd give us eggs and bacon, the typical breakfast.

Since John loved the eggs and I loved the bacon, he'd give me his bacon and I'd eat some of my eggs then give rest to him. It was a tradition we had.

Well, until I left.

My mum, she had met this guy. A tall, handsome Asian guy. She was trying to get over Dad and find love again and me and Amber were totally encouraging that. But the guy, his name was Dave, and he was nice and all, sending her and me stuff. But then we found out he lived in Australia, so after a few months, we moved there.

I never liked it there. The kids were quite hostile, not really welcoming. I only a few friends, and I was quite sociable. But I did get a nice tan.

Then something happened. I came home one day, and I saw Dave...

Try to whip and fail miserably.

After my mum saw how much this upset me, obviously she broke up with him and we left the house and came back.

Well, that's not exactly what happened but it was close enough.

Actually, far from the truth.

Anyway, I grabbed my bacon and skipped downstairs, wanting to fry it immediately. After a long and tiring plane ride, all I needed was food, sleep, and social media, ie:


And Instagram.

And Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat- You get my gist.

I stepped into the kitchen, heading over to the cooker and bringing out a frying pan. After pouring very little oil and heating it up, I slowly placed the bacon on the pan, grinning as it sizzled.

The sizzling was making a good beat, so I started moving my hips to it. I should record this. I'd make millions!

Or thousands.

Or hundreds.

Or maybe tens.

But any amount of money was fine, I was broke bro.

I stopped dancing and brought out a plate then started placing the ready and delicious looking strips of bacon on it.

"Hmm, what's the smell?" I suddenly heard my mum ask, then I heard her footsteps. I protectively held the bacon to me.

"My butt-cheek!" I blurted out, and then hid behind the door just as she came in.

"What? Chloe?" She asked, looking around in confusion. I took this moment to push past her and run upstairs and into my room.

I should become a spy one day. I thought as I sat on my suitcase and ate my bacon while going on my phone.

I'm back losers! Bet ya missed me! I wrote as my status, grinning slightly. Without waiting for a response I walked into the bathroom, in the mood for a relaxing shower then more bacon when I came back.

It was good to be home.


Welcome to Best Friends With The Bad Boy! *throws confetti everywhere*

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and sorry if there's any mistakes. See you in the next one!

 See you in the next one!

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