7 - Make New Friends Helps Forget Old Ones (For A Day Or Two)

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"Well clearly, you remembered as well, mister 'do-I-know-you'." I replied playfully, patting him on the back and pulling away. He grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, well-"

"You need a haircut." I interrupted bluntly. He stared at me blankly.

"Clearly, you haven't changed a bit, Sun Girl."

"Well, I can say the same for you, Human Torch."

For a minute or so, we grinned fondly at each other, after using our nicknames for each other, (we were massive Marvel nerds back in our childhood) but I broke the moment by tackling him into a hug, laughing.

"What was that for?" He asked, laughing. I smiled.



The next day, the first half of school went extremely boring, even if people still hadn't gotten over my sudden return. I was at lunch, sitting down with Teresa and Maya, as Benji wasn't in. I'd learnt that they were cousins, and started to see the resemblance. They were both really pretty, with caramel coloured skin, dark brown eyes and sharp features. While Maya had long, black weave, Teresa had pretty short black and purple braids.

"Your hair is so nice." I said to both of them. Maya flipped her hair, smirking while Teresa rolled her eye sat her.

"Says you!" Teresa exclaimed, gesturing at my blonde curls. I shrugged, smiling.

Anyway, soon he lunch bell rang, meaning our precious free time as over, so I rushed out of the cafeteria after saying goodbye to Teresa and Maya, not wanting to get a detention for being late to class. As I walked among the crowd of students, I thought about how weird it was that John, Maisie, Tobi and Benji weren't in on the same day. I frowned. Maybe it was just a coincidence? Or were their absences linked?

Shrugging, I walked into my class and sat down with my other friends, looking forward to an hour and ten minute nap.


I was walking to a public library after school to get some last minute revision for my Biology test tomorrow done, just after buying a chicken legend from McDonalds. I kept the food in the bag; not liking the suggestive looks it was getting from passerby's and decided to carry my Biology book and notes instead.

"Hi, Jim." I said, waving at the familiar man as I walked by. He looked up in surprise but evidently recognized me as well since he decided to cover his face with a blanket.

It went in slow motion. I shrugged and turned away from Jim, just to make eye-contact with a pair of dark hazel eyes. Then I was falling backwards and my books and notes were fluttering on to the stony ground.

Before I hit the ground, a strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me up. Although as quick as it was there it was gone. I looked up just to see a guy around my age staring at me with a slightly apologetic look on his face.

He was really tall and black, with short curly hair captivating light hazel eyes. His face was deliciously defined and his jaw line was so sharp it made my finger throb as if I'd cut myself on it. I looked down at the book he was holding and saw in beautiful, cursive handwriting his name was Gabriel.

I looked up but he'd already disappeared, so I shrugged and carried on with my journey to the library. But when I arrived there, it was full with other school kids my age, some of which were my friends, but I wasn't there to have a chat so I simply plugged my earphones in and walked as inconspicuously as I could to the emptiest table.

I sat down and looked up seeing a girl about my age sitting across me. She was mixed-race with long curly brown hair, pretty brown eyes and cute facial features. I looked away before she realised I was staring and brought out my textbook instead, opening up and started reading. I noticed that she had a book identical to mine as well, and seemed to be struggling to find a certain page.

The hero within me suddenly made an appearance. "Do you need help looking for nothing?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. She looked up and smiled sheepishly.

"Is it that obvious?" She laughed wryly, and scooted her chair closer to mine.

"I need to read about light microscopes but I think my friend Abby ripped out the page or something." She explained, sighing.

"Wait a second." I told her and started flipping through my textbook to find the page.

"Here, you can use mine." I said and handed it over to her. She grinned in relief.

"Thank you! If you want you can use my textbook because we're reading different pages." She said and I nodded.

"My name is Kaylene, but people call me Kay." She said.

"I'm Chloe, nice to meet you."


After an hour or so Kaylene and I couldn't stop laughing and talking to each other so much that the librarian threatened to kick us out twice.

"Basically, the other day, my best friend Abby sent a few letters to my primary school crush, Zach." She told me. I laughed.

"I bet something really embarrassing was there?" I asked smiling. She nodded and blushed slightly.

"But, the amazing is, they actually arrived at his house and he got them!" She exclaimed, louder than necessary.

Suddenly, I felt someone next to me. I looked up to see the librarian glaring down at me, with several other people around us doing the same.

"Get out, now." She ordered me. I laughed incredulously.

"You're telling me to leave a place that's free to the public?" I laughed. She didn't reply.

"Okay." I shrugged and stood up, packing my stuff.

"If she leaves, I'm leaving too." Kay declared, standing up. I glanced at her, amused and thankful.

"Um, okay?" The librarian replied and walked away. Some people chuckled around us, making me laugh as well, even though I was getting chucked out.

Kay slipped on some aviators and did the same, but with a different kind of sunglasses. We walked out the doors noisily, attracting quite a few eyes, and I felt pretty badass at that moment.

Once we walked a bit farther away from the library, Kay turned to me, grinning widely. "I felt like I was in a movie!"

I laughed. Guess I wasn't the only one. "Same!"

There was a pause as I checked the time on my phone. It was already six twenty four and I needed to get home before seven.

"Here." Kay said, holding out her phone to me. I shrugged and accepted it, saving my number as Queen Champion Awesome Flabbatastic Amazeballs Chloe. Then I realised that sounded much more immature than it did a few days ago and changed it to simply Chloe.

"See you around!" I shouted to Kaylene as we both went our separate ways.

The strange thing was, the whole time she was talking about Zach, all I could think about was John.


This chapter was to self-promote one of my other stories which is now unpublished lol, but let's not talk about that...

I know it may be pretty boring but I PROMISE you stick through it gets better! My writing improves a lot more as well and the chapter length increases. 

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