10 - Make Like A Banana And...

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"Oh, well here's an idea. Maybe you should listen to them when they try and talk to you!" I shouted back with a sarcastic 'ohhh' face. He sighed and his head dropped in defeat. I just watched him with crossed arms, breathing heavily.

The he looked up and stared at me with a strangely determined look, stepped closer, grabbed my arm and pulled my flush against him. Startled, I tried to wriggle away but his strong arms wrapped around me and he leaned in close to-

-Trip over his shoelaces and bang his forehead on mine.

"What the hell dude!" I exclaimed, stepping back and clutching my head in pain. He was holding his head as well with his eyes shut tightly.

I didn't stick around, grabbing my bag and starting to walk away. "Clo, wait!-" I heard him call back at me but I didn't look back once so he wouldn't see the tears streaming down my face.


After a long, angry walk I finally arrived at my house and I immediately headed up to my room and jumped on to my bed, reaching underneath it to bring out my secret stash of comfort food.

I called Amber so I could Face Time here while munching on my cookies, and after a few rings she picked up.

"Hey baby sis!" She practically shouted, causing my head to pound.

"Will you quiet down?" I snapped and her face reared back with a surprised expression.

"Sorry." I mumbled, rolling out of bed to get an icepack for my head whilst holding my phone.

"It's cool," She replied softly. "Rough day?"

"You wouldn't believe it." I said, rolling my eyes and trudging back upstairs with the pack of frozen peas held to my head.

"I'm just going to skip the details to speak about one person," I told her. "John."

"AKA, you soon to be boyfriend, correct?" Amber confirmed, smirking. I just gave her a dirty look, and then launched into the story.

"Okay, so it was afterschool and I was on my way to the exit. I was passing the janitors closet when I heard odd noises coming from it, so obviously In decided to investigate- because been there, done that- and guess what I found?"

"Um, a mop?" My sister guessed.

"No, John making out with some girl, both half-naked!" In response Amber gasped dramatically.

"Hold on, doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Exactly my point! And then he had the nerve to run after me, corner me, then head butt me!"

"Hmm." Amber said, thinking. "So, he just randomly head butted you or did he trip?"

"He was leaning forward, giving me this weird look, them BAM our foreheads collided!" I exclaimed, and all she did was give me a look as if she knew something that I didn't, before moving the phone away slightly.

"I'll talk to you later Chloe, duty calls." She told me and I heard high-pitched crying in the background. I nodded, saying bye and she hung up.

I sighed, and took the peas downstairs; deciding all I could have was a well needed sleep. After checking that the door was locked properly, then make sure I had no homework due the next day, (as if I would do it anyway) I climbed into bed and dozed off as soon as my head hit the pillows.


As it was already November, it was past autumn and slowly the weather was getting colder and windier. So after my usual morning routine of brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I picked out a suitable outfit.

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