24 - For The Worst

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*Two days later, Wednesday...*

"Pick up two."

I bit my lip to hide my smirk as I complied, picking up two cards from the deck with Benji watching me closely.

It was lunchtime and we were sitting outside in the lively courtyard, on a table towards the back, playing a competitive game of blackjack. Ever since I'd confided in Benji he'd practically been my shadow, being with me every moment he could. I wasn't complaining, I loved having the company and it was very flattering to know he cared about me that much. I'd expected to be down for the whole week so far, with memories of Australia filtering through my mind, but Benji being close to me prevented them from tormenting me.

I nodded towards Benji, indicating he should take his go. Just as I anticipated, he placed down a blackjack with a wicked gleam in his eyes. My smile broke out as I placed a blackjack and a two two's down, giggling at his stunned face.

"What... how?" He mumbled and I laughed.

"Pick up, then. That's... nine cards. Do you need me to help count them out?" I replied mischievously. He shot me a playful glare.

"You cheated." Benji declared and I offered a sly smile, leaning forward.

"Honestly, I get that you can't recognise skill because you don't posses any, but don't you think accusing me of cheating is a bit far-fetched? No-one likes a sore los-" I was cut off when Benji suddenly reached for me and I twisted away, squealing.

I quickly got off the wooden bench, holding my cards close to my chest while evading Benji. He stood on the opposite side of the bench, his strong arms propping him up as he leaned forward threatingly with laughter in his eyes.

"What is this behaviour, sir?" I questioned, giggling. A strand of brown hair fell into his face and he brushed it away lazily.

"Don't dish out what you can't take, Clo." He replied teasingly and I laughed loudly, my body titling forward.

"I should be saying that to you, Mr Blackjack-" I squealed when Benji darted around the table and grabbed me. I immediately struggled in his hold, wriggling around but he trapped me with his chest to my back. After a minute or so I relaxed, winded and felt vibrations from Benji's chest as he chuckled.

"Say sorry and I might let you go." He told me when I craned my neck to glare at him. I thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Benji's grip relaxed slightly enough for me to turn in his arms to face him. "That you suck at playing cards." I used his surprise to break free and run back to our neighbouring table, where Cory, Elijah and Brock were sitting.

"Guys, help!" I shouted in a shrilly voice, knowing Benji was hot on my heels. I skidded to a stop, hiding behind Cory as Benji caught up.

"What's going on?" Elijah asked amused. I rolled my eyes.

"He's trying to murder me because I made him pick up nine cards..." they all whistled at that. "And the game isn't even over! How will he react when I actually beat him?" I cried and Brock reached over to pat Benji in the shoulder.

"It's okay man, we've all been there." He said comfortingly.

"There's a reason we don't play cards with Chloe anymore." Cory agreed and I rolled my eyes, stepping away from him.

"Yeah, cos you guys suck. I might have to go to the chess club members and befriend them, they're the real gamblers. They use money and everything." I said with slight awe in my voice. I had to get to their level one day.

Benji rolled his eyes, taking a seat next to Brock so I followed suit, squeezing myself between Elijah and Cory. "You guys done discussing football tactics?" I asked, stealing a fry from Elijah's plate.  Benji and I had moved away from the trio because they were boring us with their football talk about the game this Friday.

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