31 - 70 Miles per Hour

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I awoke on Wednesday to the sound of the doorbell ringing. Assuming it would be a delivery, I'd gone to open it to find my sister Amber and her dog Hugo on the front porch grinning at me.

"Chloe!" She squealed, throwing herself at me. I inhaled a mouthful of brown curls in surprise, but hugged her back.

Once we pulled back I rubbed my eyes, still disoriented from sleep. "Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked, absentmindedly rubbing Hugo's fur.

"Mum told me you had no school today so I thought I'd stop by and surprise you. We haven't spoken properly in ages." Amber explained and I nodded, stepping back so they could enter the house.

Due to a teacher training day school was closed. I had plans to sleep the day away then revise for upcoming mocks, but Amber had different plans.

I locked the door and lead them to the living room. Amber sat on the couch, staring up at me expectantly. Hugo mirrored her.

"I just need to clean up and I'll be down." I explained through a yawn. Amber gave me a thumbs up like the dork she was and I took that as a signal to go.

After completing my hygiene routine I sat on my bed, contemplating. The truth was, we hadn't spoken recently since I'd been avoiding her calls. The guilt of her still not knowing what happened with Dave had been weighing heavily on me recently. I'd told John and Benji yet I hadn't even told my on sister. And based on their reactions, mostly Benji, I knew she wouldn't see me differently.

So why was I so afraid?

I resolved to tell her today, no matter what. She deserved to know.

After making my mind up I headed downstairs in higher spirits. Amber smiled at me as I sat down on the couch next to her.

"Judging by your attire we'll be staying in today?" She asked and I nodded sheepishly. I was still wearing my pyjamas.

"Okay, I could pop out and get breakfast from that restaurant nearby?" Amber suggested and I shrugged, not opposed to the idea. At my silence she frowned at me.

"Why so quiet? You've barely spoken a word since we got here. Do you want me to leave?" She asked with a hint of hurt. I sighed.

Out of both of us, Amber was the more sensitive one. You'd snap at her and she'd carry that hurt for the rest of the day. She often took things personally or looked for signs that weren't there, just like now, taking my silence as a hint I wanted her gone.

In reality, I just wanted to sleep.

"I'm just still tired." I assured her and her expression brightened. "And no need, we can just order it. They do home delivery now."

"Okay," Amber smiled, her hazel eyes shining. Whilst I'd inherited my dad's features, blonde hair and blue eyes, she'd inherited my mum's. Yet no one could deny we were sisters.

While Amber tapped away on her phone I focused my attention on Hugo. Amber had got him when he was a puppy, and that was ten years ago. The sloppiness in his movements was a sign his time was coming, no matter how heartbreaking that would be.

"Good boy." I said, ruffling his fur. He looked up at me lazily, licking my hand and I giggled at the ticklish sensation.

"Alright... done. Should be here in fifteen minutes." Amber told me, pocketing her phone. "So, update me on everything. Last time we spoke there was problems with John, how's everything now?"

"We've made up... I think." I replied uncertainly. Truth was, since I'd gone to his house that time and the truth had been revealed, I hadn't seen him at all. My texts went unanswered and I sat alone in English. I told myself he wasn't avoiding me, but I knew that was probably the case.

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