8 - Pick Up Lines And Detentions

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"... And that's why some people claim that the USSR's actions were the cause of the Cold War."

I was on the verge of falling asleep. The only thing that was keeping me awake was the constant poking of Brock's pencil on my arm and Cory trying cringe-worthy yet funny pick up lines on me.

Cory was part of the football team as well, which was obvious as he was never seen in the school hallways without his Letterman Jacket.

I sighed, resting my chin in my arms as I stared forward;. Thankfully we were seated at the back, on the opposite side of my teacher's desk, so if I was to take a nap he wouldn't see me straight away.

Elijah poked my arm lightly then hissed as if I burned him. I glanced at him, amused to see where this was going.

"Damn Chloe, I think you have sunburn." He said with concern, but then he adopted a sexy smirk. "Or are you always this hot?"

I burst out laughing, holding my hand out for a high five which he hit, grinning.

"If you were to wink at the end, I would totally fall for that." I told him. He nodded.

"Okay, let me try this one." He said, rubbing his hands together and linking his lips. Then he suddenly paused and turned to me, sheepishly.

"You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line." He told me shyly. I was so surprised at seeing a shy Elijah that I couldn't stop myself lightly blushing.

"Dude! I made her blush!" Elijah laughed; punching Brock to get his attention. I groaned and buried my face in my hands when Brock started chuckling.

"If you were a booger, I'd pick you first." Brock's deep voice said, and him and Elijah burst into hysterics when my face screwed up in disgust.

"My love for you is like diarrhoea, I just can't hold it in." Elijah piped in, and this time we all joined into the laughter.

The guy seated in front of us, Cory turned around and looked me straight in my eyes.

"If a thousand painters worked for a thousand years, they could not create a work of art as beautiful as you." He told me sincerely.

I almost melted on the spot.

It was silent for a moment, but when I started applauding him the atmosphere turned back to joking as the guys joked with each other. Cory winked at me before turning around in his seat.

"Now, that's how you do it." Brock told Elijah who simply pouted and crossed his arms in return.

The whole class went silent at the loud banging of the classroom door, and I looked up to see a pissed-off John standing there with his things. Without sparing anyone a glance, he stormed into the classroom and sat on the desk next to ours.

"Excuse me, young man-" Our history teacher, an elderly man, began but another teacher re-appeared in the doorway, Mrs Valencia, our guidance counsellor. She smiled reassuringly at our teacher and after a few words with him; he seemed considerably calmer and walked back to his desk after Mrs Valencia left.

"So, you're our new student, Mr Allen?" Our history teacher, (whose name I just couldn't remember) asked.

"Yes." Was his clipped reply. I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Our teacher just huffed and turned around to carry on his expression, but I carried on watching John, waiting for him to look in my direction so I could wave or something.

When did you get so desperate? Tone it down, Chloe.

My subconscious was right. I was just like all the other girls in the classroom who couldn't take their attention of him, but he looked like he couldn't care less as he plugged in earphones ton his phone and started listening to music.

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