38 - Accused and Accuser

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After getting lunch with Benji, he reluctantly dropped me at my house where I waited for my mum to get back from work. Once she did I caught her up on everything. It involved shedding of tears, plenty of hugs and bucket loads of relief on my part. Who knew sharing things was better than bottling it up?

The next day I woke up a woman on a mission. We'd set an appointment to see the Principal at three and it was currently one. It was impossible for my mum to get off work with such late notice so she agreed to meet us later.

I didn't mind. I had Tobi and a strong sense of determination.

I took my time getting ready, straightening my hair so it fell in glossy locks down my back. I applied minimal make up and picked out a simple outfit of blue jeans, a plain shirt and my black leather jacket.

It was half past two when I'd finished getting ready so I left my house, texting Tobi that I was on my way. She was still in class but would meet me at the Principal's office immediately after.

Thankfully the school was practically empty when I reached it. Everyone was almost done with their exams so were permitted to leave early. I headed straight for the office, and checked with his secretary.

"Just take a seat, dear." She told me politely and I complied, sitting on the hard plastic chairs opposite her. I fiddled with my fingers as I waited, staring at the looming brown door that lead to his office.

I sensed movement beside me and turned to my right to catch a glimpse of long black braids. Tobi's smiling face appeared as she took a seat next to me and I tried to mirror her expression. No words were exchanged, none needed to be.

After what felt like forever the secretary answered a call and gestured for us to enter his office. The principal, Mr Harker had always been an intimidating figure. His unusually tall frame, paired with a reserved expression and blue eyes that seemed to penetrate to your soul added to this profile. But now he was looking at me with a mixture of sympathy and nervousness. It helped calm my fears.

"Good afternoon, ladies." He nodded at us. We retuned the greeting, sitting in the chairs opposite him. "You're mother will meet us later, correct?" He asked and I nodded in confirmation.

"Before we start, I just want to you let you know the school is doing everything in our power to found out the culprit of that... post." Mr Harker told me seriously and I offered a small smile.

"That's what we came here for, actually." I started and his eyebrow rose. "Tobi and I went through who could possibly be behind it, and we came up with a name."

"It's just a speculation though." Tobi stressed. "There's no empirical evidence to suggest it's this person, but all the signs point towards her."

Mr Harker nodded as if saying 'go ahead'.

I took a deep breath. "I think it is Taylor Marisetta."

Mr Harker's eyebrows rose again. At the exact same time we heard commotion outside, overlapping voices shouting over each other. I was able to make out one which sounded very familiar.

"My best friend will not be punished for a crime she did not commit."

"Miss Reed!"

There was a soft knock on the door before it was thrown open, colliding with the wall. Alyssa Reed, Taylor's best friend, stood in the doorway with a stormy face and the stance of a warrior.

Mr Harker stood up. "Miss Reed-"

"I am here on behalf of my client, Miss Marisetta." She stated calmly, entering the office as if it belonged to her. Her dark brown ponytail swung as she sauntered over to the seat next to me.

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