29 - Pitch Black

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I suggest listening to the song above as you read. Any fellow Mixers here?



I had a great sleep that night.

As I woke up I felt refreshed and ready for the day, maybe because I had more hours of sleep as it was the weekend. I'd agreed to meet John around ten in the morning, since my brother in law was coming over later to drop off Hugo so I could spend the weekend with him.

I picked up my phone and turned it on to see the time, immediately blushing when the lock screen flashed at me. It was a picture of Benji all up in the camera smiling goofily. He must have taken it when I went to the bathroom at the match. I shook my head, smiling but didn't change it.

I didn't take long to get ready, after completing my hygiene routine and changing into cute dark blue tracksuit I was ready to go.

I grabbed my purse and left the house, locking the door behind me and practically skipping down the street

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I grabbed my purse and left the house, locking the door behind me and practically skipping down the street.

I used this time to try and think about why John had called me over. The texts seemed pretty urgent, and at one point I'd even considered going there last night in case it was really bad. But with my bed calling my name it was a lost cause.

Once I arrived I nervously knocked at the door. Even though John had assured me it wouldn't happen, I was scared his mum would answer the door. That woman seriously had it in for me, even when we were younger.

The door swung open before I could drop my fist and showed a dishevelled looking John. My mouth almost dropped open as I took him in. Messy hair, his clothes worn inside out, dark circles and hard eyes. Yikes, this really was bad.

"Hey." I greeted tentatively when he didn't move. He nodded, moving aside and gesturing for me to enter. I did so hesitantly, my eyes widening when I took in the state of the house.

It wasn't dirty per say, but it was a mess with all sorts of items littered on the floor and from what I could see one of the curtains in the living room ripped.

"Sorry about the mess." John said gruffly behind me. "We'll talk in my room."

I nodded, stepping aside so he could lead me upstairs. I was surprised to see his room was absolutely spotless, looking the neatest I'd ever seen it. A direct contrast to the mess a step outside of it.

John sat on his bed and I sat on a spinny chair next to a desk not too far away, clasping my hands and turning to him. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"As you can see, I'm not doing the best right now." He started in a gravelly voice. I nodded in agreement.

"I'd say that's an understatement." The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them and I immediately gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry. Shutting up now."

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