34 - When It Rains

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The sky above darkened and grey clouds filled it. I let out a nervous breath, quickening my steps so I wouldn't lose John. We'd entered the neighbourhood.

I kept my eyes forward as I passed the residents, who looked normal enough if you ignored the nasty glares they sent you way. I stepped out of the way of a broken bottle, resisting the urge to run away.

Up ahead I saw John glance around before taking a left into an alleyway. I jogged slightly, pulling my hood tight over my head. My heart was pounding. I stopped at the entrance of the alleyway.

I made out his tall figure with two other guys further in. I spotted a large garbage disposal I could hide behind and quietly walked towards it and crouched.

Peeking forward, I could make out who John was with. Cyrus and Ian.

I was relived. They didn't seem too dangerous. That's what I thought until I saw the look on Cyrus's face. It was murderous. I quickly leaned back, trying to breathe quietly and listen.

"You thought you could take a vacation when you got business to deal with?" Cyrus's voice boomed around us.

"It wasn't a vacation." John responded, his voice lacking strength. He sounded defeated. "I just had to get away."

"You can't just 'get away' when you feel like it." Cyrus responded sharply. "Especially with no warning. Cos that looks like you're running away."

John didn't say anything.

"Were you running away?" Ian asked, his voice as velvety as honey. Welcoming. But I wasn't fooled.

"Nah," John answered but he didn't sound sure. "I just needed to get my head in order, so I could finish what I had to."

Cyrus scoffed. "Uh huh, and that's why you dipped at that shopping mall when one of my boys saw you?"

John sighed. "Okay, yeah I was trying to avoid you guys. But not permanently, just a couple weeks. It's been tough for me-"

"Aw, I'm John and my life is rough cos my dad left, my mum is mean to me and the love of my life doesn't love me back." Cyrus mocked in a high-pitched voice. I frowned, who was the love of his life?

Cyrus's tone turned menacing. "Man the fuck up, Allen. Your problems are nothing compared to ours, yet we don't run away like pussies. We do what we need to do to survive."

I couldn't see Cyrus expression and I was glad. "You got two parents still walking on this earth; it's just my brother and me, and Ian with his psycho mum. We've had to grind to get to where we are, and I'm not about to lose it cos of some pretty boy with daddy issues."

I let out a breath. Damn.

There was a tense silence until Ian spoke up. "My mum ain't psycho. She's worse. Yours is Heaven compared to mine, Allen. But they're both messed up. I understand you man, we're your friends. Cyrus is pissed cos it seemed like you threw all our help back in our faces. But I know you're better than that, yeah? Talk to us, what's happening with this bet?"

My stomach turned at the words and I frowned. Bet?

I heard John's feet shuffle. He let out a breath. "I can't do it anymore."

I jumped when someone kicked the garbage disposal I was behind. "I told you, Ian! I fucking told you!" Cyrus shouted furiously.

"If you can't get easy revenge, if you can't do something as simple as breaking Chloe's heart, how will you survive on Taro's ambush?" Cyrus asked in a low tone.

His words registered in my head and I froze.

The world around me muted, only muffled sounds reaching my ears. My hands shakily clutched at my chest which was barely containing my pounding heart.

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