3 - Going Shopping Can Give You New Friends

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Knock, knock

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Knock, knock.

"Chloe, your clothes are-" My mum started but I already had gotten out of bed and was running down the stairs.

I felt like some kind of ninja as I jumped over the couch, narrowly dodged the chairs and ducked as I passed our light which was decorated with long crystals.

I opened out front door, greeting the deliverer with a smile. Before he uttered a word I'd already taken the board from him, signing it and taking the delivery out of his hands.

"Thanks!" I called out as he walked away, looking slightly baffled. I didn't even wait to get up to my room, I brought out the scissors I'd kept in my pocket and started cutting the box, eager to see the clothes I'd ordered.

Once it was upon I gently pulled it out, not wanting to rumple the fabric...

And I gazed upon...

A pair of bright green knitted socks?!

"NOOO!" I screamed as I slowly sank to the floor...

"Chloe, wake up! Chloe-"

I abruptly sat up, rubbing my eyes and glancing over at my mum who had a slightly amused expression.

"Mum, I had the worst dream!" I exclaimed.

"I think it's called a nightmare, in that case." She replied.

I ignored her and carried on. "I went downstairs to get my clothes, and when I opened the box, I saw a pair of bright green, knitted socks! Ugh, I was so disgusted-"

"Honey, that wasn't a dream." My mum interrupted. She pulled out a box and opened it, revealing the horrible feet-wear.

"That actually happened."

"NOOO-" I screamed, rolling out of my bed and unto the floor where I proceeded to crawl under my bed.

"Chloe, get out from under there!" My mum exclaimed, but sounded amused. I sneezed, fanning the dust away as I crawled out.

"I'll just give you money for shopping. It'll be good to get to know the town again, won't it?" She said and I squealed, hugging her.

"Thank you, Mum!" I shouted, and she chuckled, pulling away.

"You're welcome honey, but your breath smells bad so go and get ready." She replied and I shrugged, going to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and taking a shower I worked on my outfit, knowing I would have to look good in case I saw anyone I knew before. I got dressed in a peach-coloured loose crop top, a black skirt which came up to my ankles, gold sandals, a gold clutch and sunglasses. I applied minimal make up, straightening my hair and putting it into a high ponytail. I kept my necessities in my clutch then set off, planning to buy breakfast wherever.

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