16 - Kiss My Shoes

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Quick summary: In the last chapter Chloe spoke to John, saying they could be civil but no longer friends as he caused to much drama for her. Her bum got slapped by a guy who John beat up. She had a mini panic attack but Benjamin (her friend) helped calm her down.


After the near panic attack I experienced, I decided it was best to go home. Benjamin forced me to visit the nurse though, just to ensure I was alright.

I was fine physically.

I decided to walk home to clear my mind and think about the day's events. What brought on Cockroach, who I'd learnt was called Dustin, to slap my bum?

Was it a mistake dressing how I did?

Did I give any hints that I wanted to be touched like that?

What did I do wrong?

It was driving me insane, but I couldn't help but blame myself. It'd only happened on the day I wore tighter clothes, which was a sign, right?

I sighed as I let myself into the house, feeling drained. I wish I had someone to talk to. There was my mum, but she had enough problems to deal with without me adding my own.

And Amber didn't know the full story, so she was out of the picture... I sighed and went up to my room, quickly putting on my PJ's and deciding to take a nap.

It was a bad habit of mine, trying to sleep away my problems. Because whenever I woke up they were still there, I couldn't get rid of them without directly addressing them.

But I still napped anyway.

When I woke up a couple of hours I felt considerably better. I heard my mum clanging around in the kitchen, probably attempting one of her vegan recipes or something.

I freshened up and went downstairs to greet her. "Ah, sleeping beauty finally arises." She said sarcastically. I sighed.

"Mum, you've been rinsing out that joke for years. It's getting boring." I deadpanned, grinning when she glared at me.

"You've got a cheek!" She exclaimed and I giggled.

"Two, actually." I replied with a smirk. She pointed the knife she was holding at me with a vicious look.

I held my hands up in surrender and she turned around, not seeing me make a face at her back.

"I saw that." Mum said in a sing-song voice. I gasped. What the hell?

"What are you making?" I asked, skipping over to where she was chopping... something edible I hoped.

"Sweet potato and leek casserole, then for pudding we can have chickpea and blueberry brownies." She said with triumph. I sighed again.

"Mum, you've been going through this vegan phase for ages," I stared and she shot me a sharp look. "Not that I don't love it!" I hurriedly finished with an innocent smile. I didn't.

"It's been helping me lose weight, darling. You now I started stress-eating a lot after what happened with Dave." She informed me, and I immediately felt unpleasant shivers go down my spine at his name.

I envied how easily she could speak about him.

"Um, speaking of perverted men..." I started nervously, perching myself on the countertop opposite her. She immediately put her knife down and spun round to face me.

"What happened, love?" Mum asked, taking a step towards me. I twisted my hands in front of me, but stopped when I hurt myself.

"Yesterday at school a guy slapped my bum then John beat him up. Please don't tell Amber her and Joe will freak." I blurted out all at once, with pleading eyes.

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