14 - Complicated

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Getting a shoe thrown at me for being caught with a piece of bacon in my hand wasn't how I wanted to meet Chloe again.

I yelped in pain and dropped the bacon, my eyes widening when I noticed she saw the bacon. Even after two years, she still had an unhealthy obsession with it. I instinct caught the shoe and watched her as she advanced on me, only to casually lean against the counter top next to me and flash me a smile.

After a few minutes of her interrogating me about being in her house, I was relieved to hear the sound of the front door opening, signalling her mum's return. She thanked me for helping her, which I smiled at. When I was growing up she'd been more of a mother to me than the woman who'd given birth to me, if anyone had to give thanks, it would be me.

"Honey, walk John back, yeah?" Chloe's mum told her, leaving no room for argument. It was obvious she didn't want to, but I followed her out of her house and on to the empty street anyway.

I couldn't help but steal glances at her as we walked, ignoring the uncomfortable silence. I was still in disbelief that she was back, after what seemed like an eternity without her. The day she left was the day I realized that I lo-

"You know I have bug spray, right?" Chloe's voice abruptly disrupted my thoughts. I schooled my expression to one of disinterest.

"Uh, well done?" I replied, and she barely acknowledged my answer.

"Ever since the incident in Australia, I figured I should carry at least some form of a weapon." She explained, but her explanation only caused confusion.

"Incident?" I echoed, frowning. Once again, I was ignored.

"So whenever a pest annoys me," Deliberate look at me. "It's easy to blind them with the spray!"

I didn't know what to say after that. Chloe was the only person who had the ability to render me speechless, not only with her beauty but her personality. All I could do was staring at her.

"Why are you telling me this, may I ask?" I asked, and internally kicked myself but covered it up with a smirk. May I ask? Am I the freaking Prince of England?

"Just for future reference." She replied in a sickly-sweet tone as we arrived at my house. I smiled slightly and was about to reply when someone's voice cut me off.

We exchanged 'what-the-hell' looks, although mine was fake because I knew exactly why Maisie was at my house.

In fact, I'd asked her to come.

Just as I'd expected, my front door suddenly slammed open, signalling that Maisie was here. She sent Chloe an angry look before practically running at me and hugging me while exclaiming my name. I rolled my eyes discreetly, knowing this was all for show and removed her arms from around my neck.

"What were you doing in my room?" I asked her, annoyed. I'd told her to wait for me in the living room.

"Your mum let me in to wait for you-" She started, winking exaggeratedly because we both knew that was a lie. I glared at her and glanced at Chloe to see if she'd noticed when she interrupted Maisie.

"Seems like our mum's keep letting people we dislike into our houses without us knowing." She said with a malicious smirk. I laughed slightly until I actually realised what she said. Maisie looked at Chloe in disdain.

"Wait-" I started, slightly offended only to be interrupted by Maisie.

"Sorry, what are you doing again?" She snapped with narrowed eyes. I made a face and decided to lean back and enjoy.

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