9 - Detention? Nah, More Like Imprisonment (PART II)

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I was in the middle of discussing who invented raisin cookies (and why?) when the door burst open. Everyone quieted down and looked at the entrance of the classroom where a dishevelled looking Elijah was breathing heavily. He straightened up and sauntered towards us with a smug look on his face.

"You alright bro?" Cory asked, amused as we watched Elijah slump down in the desk next to us, exhausted.

"Yeah, just had some unfinished business to take care of." He explained with that same smug look on his face. I examined him quietly when I saw his left fist clenched tightly.

"Well, high five for effort!"I exclaimed randomly, holding up my right hand so he could high five with his left. He awkwardly leaned over and high-fived me softly with his right hand, his left hand still clenched.

"What do oyu have?" I asked him bluntly. He sighed and opened his palm to reveal a simple USB stick. I raised an eyebrow.

"Our English teacher told me she was going to call my parents to tell them about my lack of schoolwork this semester, so naturally I took her USB and dashed out of the room all spy-like so I can delete the details off it." He explained causally, even adding a shrug at the end. I let out an unattractive snort.

"Then why do you still have it?" Some girl at the back asked, listening as well.

"I did say unfinished business." Elijah replied. "Meaning, the jobs not done. Soon enough she'll come back to find out that her USB is gone, and guess where she'll look first?" He shrugged slightly. "Here. So, unless you all want to get excluded..." He turned to look at the people sitting at the back.

"Chloe, Cory and I are going to leave for a bit, ten minutes top. When the teacher comes back inside and asks where we've gone, you need to cover for us, and make sure he doesn't venture out to look for us." Elijah told them,. And they seemed happy enough to do it.

"Cory, you're going to be the lookout. We need to sneak in to her office because the only place her USB works is on her already logged in computer." He explained, and Cory nodded. I turned to him expectantly.

"Chloe, you're going in with me. You'll look around the office for the list of our class's grades while I'll work magic on the computer." He said, and I frowned slightly.

"Why do we need the list?" I asked curiously. "So I can rub out mine, obviously." Elijah replied in a 'duh' voice and I just slapped the back of his head.

"Okay team, let's go!"" He exclaimed and stood up and Cory and I soon followed him out into the hallway. I was using all the spy techniques I'd watched in movies, sliding against the walls and peaking around every corner while Cory and Elijah hummed the 'Mission Impossible' song.

I was having so much fun that I didn't even here the footsteps behind us. I turned around just in time to make eye-contact with a random teacher. I immediately hid behind Cory, making her look at me weirdly, and she just carried on walking without giving us a second glance.

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. "That was a close one!" I said, grinning and turned towards Elijah to see he wasn't there, but in an open office with Cory standing guard at the door and looking at me in amusement. I just rolled my eyes as I walked by him, grumbling under my breath as he laughed.

"Okay Chloe, put these on-" He handed me a pair of thin, blue elastic gloves, the type doctors had. "And leave things as you found them when you're looking through." He instructed, and then headed over to the computer.

It hadn't occurred to me the serious of what I was doing. I just thought it was a little fun at first but when Elijah handed me the same gloves I was wearing, I realized this could actually be looked into by the school, and there was a chance of me being expelled.

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