9 - Detention? Nah, More Like Imprisonment (PART I)

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It's currently eight o'clock pm on Thursday and I was writing an English essay due for tomorrow last minute as I decided to hold it off until now.

I took one glance at my blank screen and just sat back, deciding to think about what a bad decision it was to leave this to last minute. My English teacher is not only strict, but she has a lot of power in the school, so I'd have to come up with a pretty believable excuse for me to not get a detention.

That's when I remembered.

I grabbed my phone and texted Elijah, asking him if we had detention today. In under a minute he replied, confirming my fears.

 In under a minute he replied, confirming my fears

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"Argh!" I shouted louder than I was supposed to

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"Argh!" I shouted louder than I was supposed to. I paused for a second, expecting to hear my mum's footsteps stamping towards my room to see what had happened, but there was only silence.

"You know what?" I said to Hugo, my sister Amber's dog, who she'd dropped off for the weekend. "I don't really care anymore. I already have an hour detention tomorrow; I can endure through another one."

I paused and leaned in. "But, in movies, the main character always somehow gets away with not doing her work when the cute boy saves her during class." I whispered, and he just nodded lazily.

So, I decided to get eight hours of sleep that night and went to bed earlier than I usually did, shutting down my laptop and packing away after accepting the fact that I was seriously screwed.


I woke up to my alarm at 6:30 am the next morning and sighed, forcing myself out of bed. On my way to the bathroom a ruffled Hugo's head and started my hygiene routine. When I'd finished brushing my teeth and showering it was 7:21, so I had to speed up.

I'd decided to wash my hair so I wouldn't have to tomorrow so I quickly combed through the curls, applied some hair cream and blow dried it until it was soft. I then tied half of it up and half down, brushing out my hair so it could be more voluminous.

"Why's it so quiet in here?" I asked Hugo loudly, trying to fill in the silence in the house. I shrugged and brought out my phone, connecting it to a speaker. I pressed shuffle and grinned when Don't by Bryson Tiller came on.

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