27 - Hard Exterior

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"-to class. I'll see you at lunch?" Melissa's voice interrupted my thoughts and I faltered in my step, looking up at her.

"Come again?"

She gave me a slightly amused look that looked more like a grimace. "I said I'm going to class. I'll see you in the cafeteria?" Melissa repeated and I nodded, forcing a smile on my face and hugging her.

"Of course. Bye." I replied, waving and she walked away, her body tense and gaze directed to the ground. I sighed as I watched her go.

It was the start of a new week, yet evidently what had happened last week still haunted Melissa. After her ugly confrontation with Taylor she'd become a shell of her talkative self, with a sad look always present on her face. It would lift here and there if we said the right things but her face would always settle back into a forlorn expression. It was hard seeing her like that, and even harder seeing Taylor strut around like she hadn't demolished her cousin's self-esteem.

I suspected Taylor had ice instead of blood running through her veins, her heart a chilled stone, pumping maliciousness through her being.

Or maybe she put up a good front and actually regretted her actions. But I doubted it, whenever I saw her she had a look of indifference, and I knew if asked if she would go back and humiliate Melissa again her answer would be affirmative.

I let go of my thoughts, glancing at the time. I had a couple of minutes until my class started but I needed to go to the bathroom, my bra was digging into my skin and I couldn't adjust it in the public eye. Hopefully my teacher would be late as well.

I headed towards the girls bathroom, entering and locking myself into a stall. I hung my bag on the hook and removed my shirt when I heard the door open. I was about to adjust my bra when I heard an unmistakable voice.

"I'm literally in shock right now." Taylor's silky smooth voice carried through the bathroom.

"Maybe..." Someone who I recognised to be Alyssa started.

"Maybe what?" Taylor snapped, her tone sending chills down my spine. "Maybe he didn't mean to completely disregard my feelings towards him? Maybe he didn't mean to once again pick Woods over me? Maybe he didn't mean to practically rip my heart out and stomp all over it?" Disgust and hurt coated her words.

To my surprise, Alyssa let out a giggle. "Tay, I think you've been watching too many Spanish dramas."

Taylor scoffed. "Why not when my life is practically like one? Ugh!" She groaned, and I heard the clang of something, so I assumed she'd threw something out of frustration.

As quietly as I could I closed the toilet seat lid and sat down, class could wait. This was an opportunity to get an insight into Taylor's head before I made my mind up about her, I was not about to lose it.

"Okay, drama queen. Look, it's probably just heat in the moment type of thing. I'm sure Brock didn't mean what he said." Alyssa replied and I perked up hearing Brock's name, hoping they'd elaborate.

"You didn't see his expression, Alyssa. It was the most serious I'd seen him. All because of my weird cousin and Woods." Taylor replied bitterly.

"Look, sulking won't get us anywhere. Let's go over what he said again and think of how you can get through to him." Alyssa said firmly and Taylor let out a sigh in response.

"Okay, so I approached him this morning playfully, and he just looked so pissed when he saw me." Taylor started. "So I asked who peed in his cereal, and he said he didn't want to speak to me."

"I thought he was joking so I kept bothering him, and he just snapped at me." She continued in a hurt voice. I covered my mouth in an attempt to stop my laughter coming out.

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