40 - Don't Get Mad

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Alyssa gasped and a smile lit up her face as she ran towards Taylor. "Bestie!" She squealed, throwing her arms around her. Taylor hugged her back delicately.

"Watch the hair, babe. Just got it done." Taylor told her and Alyssa stepped back immediately. Her dark caramel coloured hair fell in a glossy waterfall and her skin glowed. She didn't look like she'd had a rough couple of days, which I envied and admired.

Taylor observed Tobi, her hazel eyes watchful and calculating as always. "Tobi, could I speak to you outside for a minute?"

Since we were practically shoulder to shoulder, I felt her tense for a moment before nodding and walking out with Taylor. Alyssa turned to me, still smiling.

"I'm so happy she's here!" Alyssa exclaimed and I sat back at the couch, as I'd stood at the unexpected entrance.

"You sure seem like it." I replied. I was on the other hand... wary. I knew we wouldn't be friends, but possibly allies? Melissa had set up Taylor and done something twisted to me.

How did that saying go? Enemy of my enemy...

"She looks real good for someone who should feel the opposite." I commented and Alyssa gave me a look.

"Don't be deceived." She started. "Taylor always likes to look good before she launches an attack. Usually she'd only get her hair done, but that along with the nails and lashes! Phew, Melissa better watch her back."

"Yeah, she better." I agreed with a humourless chuckle. Alyssa was quiet for a moment, watching me.

"How are you taking all this?"

Good question. I shrugged. "Not sure. It hasn't really sunk in yet. I'm trying to not think about it, so I don't burst out crying or something. I've cried enough these past couple days." I rubbed my head just thinking about it.

"Well, you'll be laughing in glee when Melissa gets what she deserves. I never liked her. Always so bitter."

Alyssa started giggling of a sudden, remembering something. "A couple years ago, Taylor and I nicknamed her Bitter Melissa."

I raised my eyebrows. "That doesn't rhyme."

"It did at the time, alright?" Alyssa defended just as the door swung open. Taylor and Tobi walked in, both with neutral expressions. Alyssa looked between them expectantly.

"Are you guys good?"

Tobi looked at an expressionless Taylor who offered a nod. That seemed good enough for Alyssa since she clapped her hands.

"Right, let's get started. Tay, Chloe and Tobi are filled in on everything, so let's hear this plan of yours-"

"Why did she do this to you? Is your relationship that bad?" I cut in, looking straight at Taylor. The curiosity forced me to ask.

If I knew why she'd framed Taylor, maybe I'd have a clue why she hurt me.

Taylor sighed and walked over to the large desk, sitting at the chair so she could face all of us. "If I'm honest, it would take a mind-reader to figure out what goes on in my cousins' head." She paused. "Even then they'd probably be so freaked out that they'd need therapy."

"Insulting her is second nature to you, isn't it?" Tobi piqued up. It wasn't a judgement or a taunt, rather an observation.

Taylor nodded. "It is." Then she sighed, studying her nails for a moment.

"Melissa and I have no siblings, so we were practically raised as sisters. Our parents and family in general are very close, so we spent a lot of time together. Melissa and I were super close, until we were about eight."

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