25 - Paranoid

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I woke up the next day feeling a sense of foreboding. I wasn't sure where the sudden paranoia came from but I had weird feeling in my gut that something major would happen today.

I tried to ignore the weird feeling as I got ready. I decided to wake up earlier to put effort into my appearance, mainly because I was tired of looking homeless for the last couple days.

After completing my hygiene routine I decided to leave my hair down so the blonde curls cascaded down my back and a couple framed my face. I applied mascara to make my blue eyes pop and concealer to cover the bags under my eyes. A layer of clear lip-gloss made my lips shine. Lastly I applied highlight to make my face glow. Once I was finished I was happy with the end product, and then searched for an appealing outfit.

I decided on a body-hugging white cropped off-shoulder shirt with high waisted ripped blue jeans. I finished the outfit with my blue denim jacket and a pair of white Nike air forces.

I glanced at the time; I had fifteen minutes until I would need to leave

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I glanced at the time; I had fifteen minutes until I would need to leave. Just enough time to eat breakfast. On my way downstairs I texted Benji to see if he'd be willing to pick me up. My school was ten to fifteen minutes away on foot but I was feeling lazy and didn't want to crease my shoes.

I would asked John but the obsession he had with riding his motorbike put me off, I was not about to mess up my hair. Plus even though we'd had fun yesterday, I felt a bit uneasy around him.

Benji replied that he would be at my house in ten minutes, so I poured myself a bowl of cereal and watched two guys building things while I waited. Soon enough a car honked outside, which I assumed was Benji. I grabbed my handbag and put on my shoes. I couldn't wait for Amber to drop off Hugo, I was sick of being in an empty house most of the time.

Before I left I took a look in my mirror. My top was short but just barely covered my midriff. My jeans on the other hand hugged my hips and bum, showcasing my figure. I frowned nervously, the last time I'd worn something so tight my bum had got slapped. Would it happen again?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head, if I continued living in paranoia I'd never move on.

I left my house and walked over to Benji's car with a skip in my step, a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach at the thought of seeing him. I opened the passenger door, sitting down and keeping my bag at my feet. I closed the door behind me and buckled my seatbelt; all the while a bit confused on why Benji hadn't started driving. When I turned to glance at him I saw him staring at me with wide eyes.

I cracked a smile, waving my hand in front of his face mockingly. "Anyone home?" I asked and he snapped out of it.

Benji cleared his throat, glancing away from me before looking back at me a second later. "Yeah, u-um you... You look gorgeous, Chloe." He finally got out. I felt surprised and flattered. My smile widened and I felt my ears grow hot, so they were probably red.

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