43 - Stranger

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Two weeks of the Christmas break had passed and I hadn't heard from John. I'd checked on him a week after Christmas and was told he'd been discharged.

I felt a little hurt but mostly worried. What if the guys from the gang he was involved in came to finish the job? What if his mum sent him off somewhere as punishment?

A nudge on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. I turned to Alyssa who was looking down the hallway at something. After following her gaze I spotted Melissa walking beside the lockers with her head down. Everyone around us was whispering nasty things about her.

I turned to Alyssa, surprised. "Taylor ended up releasing the video?"

"I didn't need to." The woman herself said, appearing at my left and looking flawless as usual. Her hazel eyes watched her cousin with pity. "Brenda Mills overheard the Headmaster telling Mel off and couldn't keep her mouth shut."

"So she's getting suspended?" I asked. In the meeting the Headmaster hadn't decided decided her punishment as he had to discuss it with the school board.

Taylor shook her head. "Expelled."

The original plan was to send the video evidence of Melissa admitting to her

crimes to the headmaster and our whole grade. But last minute I decided that was too far.

As much as Melissa deserved it, and as cliche as it sounds, I didn't want to stoop down to her level. I decided i'd let karma take control of what happened to her social life.

And it turns out we didn't need to wait long. It was the first day back from Christmas break, and the Headmaster had already taken action as he'd promised. And Brenda Mills the Gossip Mill also fulfilled her role as the school's accurate rumour source.

We watched as Melissa emptied her locker, her face hiding behind her wavy black hair. Two girls I recognised from Art class approached her.

"What you did to Chloe was totally messed up." The brunette told her.

"And framing your cousin? That's low." Her friend said. "Get some help."

They waited a moment but Melissa said nothing, continuing to pack her things. The brunette scoffed and they shoved past her.

Alyssa snorted and Taylor let out a small chuckle. As if triggered by the sound Melissa's gaze snapped to us, her eyes dark and angry.

Taylor took a step forward, a smirk resting on her face. She didn't need to say anything, it was all in her expression. Melissa sent her one more withering glance before turning back to her locker.

"Chloe!" I turned to my left to see Cory, Elijah and the rest of my friends speed walking down the hallway.

"Is it true?" Maya asked breathlessly once they reached me. "About Melissa?"

"Ask her yourself." I answered, jabbing my thumb behind me. They looked over my shoulder to see their former friend.

Teresa and Maya stormed off in that direction with the guys hot on their trail. Benji stayed behind and approached me with a smile. I left Alyssa and Taylor to meet him.

"Hey." I greeted, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He hugged me and kept his arm

loosely around my waist. Apart from my family, the only other person I hung out with was Benji during the holidays. After saying the big three words we couldn't get enough of each other.

"You okay?" He asked, glancing at Melissa and our friends then back at me. I nodded, looking at them also.

"Yeah. Let's go listen to what they're saying." I suggested and we moved towards the group.

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