23 - Queen Bee (PART II)

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I left the Garret Academy changing rooms with Alyssa next to me, both of us freshly showered after our victorious match. Alyssa sent a mocking wave to the gag of girls we'd competed with who were watching us distastefully.

"Better luck next time, yeah?" I told them, giggling when one of them flipped me off and walked away.

"Talk about sportsmanship, huh?" Alyssa mumbled to me, amused and I smiled in agreement.

"They couldn't be good sportsman if they tried," I told her. "They're probably just pissed bribing the referee didn't work." Alyssa laughed at that.

"Guess they'll have to double the price next time, or better yet, hire a referee." She laughed and I joined her. We weren't stupid, we wouldn't be talking that boldly if Garret students were still present. I was way too pretty to fight.

But with the time being 4:03pm, the hallway was empty except for a few younger students who didn't intimidate me enough for me to keep my mouth shut.

"We still on to get our nails done?" I asked as we walked out of the schools entrance. Alyssa turned to me with a sheepish smile as we approached her car.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I'm meeting Wyatt's parents today." She said. I raised an eyebrow.

"So? They can wait." I replied and she shoved me playfully.

"No, I need to go home and make myself look presentable, Taylor." She gave me a look. "I have to make a good first impression so they'll like me."

"We both know you won't care if they both like you."

"True," She agreed. "But I can't have them whispering nonsense about getting a prenup when we get married. Imagine." Alyssa scoffed and I giggled.

"Wait, but you're my ride!" I exclaimed when we reached her car. My car was at the mechanics, sadly.

Alyssa gave me an apologetic smile. "Sorry Tay, Wyatt's picking me up in like an hour, which gives me barely any time to get ready. Just ask someone else for a ride to the mall." She suggested and I glared at her.

"The mall is like ten minutes from your house-"

"Bye, love you!" With that Alyssa drove off. I huffed, annoyed at the abrupt change of plans. Then an idea popped up in my head and I opened my contacts on my phone. I texted Brock, and after some convincing he agreed to pick me up in ten minutes.

 I texted Brock, and after some convincing he agreed to pick me up in ten minutes

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