20 - Answers

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Tobi agreed to talk to me at lunch and clear everything out. I was a bit nervous as it had been quite a while since we spoke, with her suddenly becoming BFF's with Taylor and ignoring me. Despite this, I knew she would have an idea about what was going on.

An hour or so after I arrived home John had called me. I decided to ignore it, being weirded out by his behaviour. Plus, he was so angry about his friends that it kind of scared me. I wanted him to cool down first before we spoke.

I felt quite excited as I got ready for school the next morning, I was finally going to get answers. After completing my hygiene routine I decided on an outfit.

I picked out a tight, slightly cropped red shirt with high waisted blue skinny jeans and white converses. I added my blue denim jacket as it was a bit chilly. Since I had half an hour until I had to leave I straightened my hair until it was glossy and pin straight. I put on concealer, highlight and mascara to finish the look.

Satisfied with my appearance, I went downstairs to have a cheeky breakfast before school. I got carried away watching Once Upon A Time while eating my cereal, and it took my mum letting me know I had five minutes before school started for me to sprint out of the house.

After a couple of seconds I stopped running because I realised I wouldn't make it on time. If I was going to be late, I didn't want to look sweaty and flustered. Fifteen minutes later I arrived at my free period class and was thrilled to see a substitute and not my actual teacher.

The substitute let me off so I gladly took my seat next to Maya who was talking to Teresa.

"Hey guys." I greeted, taking a random book out. Maya gave me an unimpressed look.

"Late again, Chloe?" She asked. I just shrugged and gave her a sheepish grin. They resumed their conversation and I realised they were talking about someone, specifically Elijah.

"Maya, I'm telling you, date the guy! He definitely likes you." Teresa said, flicking her long braids over her shoulder. Maya narrowed her eyes.

"If he likes me so much why was he talking about another girl to his boys, huh?" She questioned. I frowned, leaning forward.

"When was this?" I asked.

"This morning," Teresa informed me. "We were all hanging out before class started when Maya overhead Elijah talking about some chick to Brock."

"If you came on time you would have been there." Maya added, and I shoved her playfully.

"Wait, I just had an idea! Chloe could talk to Elijah," Maya proposed. Teresa and I gave her an incredulous look.

"Listen hear me out," She shifted in her seat so she was facing both of us. "Chloe's the closest to the boys out of us three, so Elijah might trust her enough to say if he's interested in me or not." Maya turned her gaze to me. "But you need to ask him in a way where it's not obvious that I want to know, yeah?"

I thought about it for a few seconds before nodding. "Yeah, I can do that." I told them both confidently. For the rest of the period we came up with a plan.

During English, I would intentionally speak about Maya being interested in another guy to Brock and see if Elijah got jealous or bothered. If that didn't work I would corner him afterschool and ask him about her.

When class ended I walked with Cory to English. We made idle conversation as we waited outside the classroom since it wasn't open yet. One of his teammates came, distracting him into another conversation, leading me bored.

I sighed, looking around the hallway when I spotted Brock and Taylor. Brock was lazily getting something out of his locker and Taylor was leaning against one next to him, chatting enthusiastically.  I was too far away to hear what they said but I could see their expressions clearly.

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