21 - Twisted Justice

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You should go back & read Chapter 5 & 19 :)


(This takes place after John meets Chloe in Chapter 5)

Cyrus blew the smoke into the atmosphere, clouding my vision with grey vapour. I wrinkled my nose but otherwise didn't react to the smoke, already being used to it.

"Man, Taro is really on my ass about this ambush." Cyrus sighed, running a hand down his face. Ian lazily turned to look at him.

"Cos he knows you're a good fighter." Ian replied, making Cyrus scoff.

"Nah, just cos I'm disposable," Cyrus spat out. "Everyone knows it's a death wish, going on that ambush, yet I'm the first person he calls up. He must be snorting coke if he thinks I'm going."

It was afterschool and I'd come to Cyrus' house. It was the hangout spot for me, Cyrus and Ian most days; because it was always empty, since he lived with his older brother that was always working. We were currently in his room, which you'd expect to be typically messy but was extremely neat with all his belongings lined up in a specific order.

The room was small yet comfy. His brother earned enough for them to live in a run down two bedroom apartment in one of the more sketchy areas of town.

I was listening to their conversation but my mind kept on flashing back to events that happened earlier today, because of a specific person.

Chloe Woods.

I couldn't believe she was back.

The shock I felt when bumping into her was indescribable. After no contact for two years I'd accepted the fact that we'd never cross paths again. When I heard rumours that she was back I made it my mission to avoid her.

Too bad I was unsuccessful.

The first thing I noticed when I looked at her was how gorgeous she'd become. Her blonde hair flowing down her back looked like gold, and those gorgeous blue eyes that could always see right through me. Pair that with her hourglass figure and I was a goner.

But almost as quick as they came, that feeling of amazement disappeared and anger soon replaced it. Especially when she had the nerve to causally greet me, calling me 'bestie'.

I wanted to grab her shoulders, shake her and ask her where the hell she'd been for the last two years. Instead I put on my best expressionless face and pretended like I didn't know her. I felt instant satisfaction at the way her face fell.

But then she started laughing. Her gentle, infectious giggles immediately brought past memories to my head. I could do nothing but stare at her blankly as those memories filtered through my head of our childhood together.

I felt like I could finally breathe when Maisie approached me and interrupted Chloe's rambling. I knew she dismissed her out of pure jealousy, but I was relived nonetheless. Seeing Chloe was one thing, but talking to her and hearing her laugh? I was in no shape or form prepared.

When I looked at Maisie as she demanded to know why I was speaking to Chloe, I wasn't seeing her. I looked at her and saw Chloe's soft, beautiful features and sweet blue eyes. My body was with Maisie but my mind was with Chloe.

"I need space." I'd told her abruptly, observing how hurt filled her eyes.

"What the hell, John? What's that supposed to mean?" She exclaimed, hurt lacing her words. I ran a hand down my face.

"I just need space to think. Chloe coming back has messed with my head, alright?" I'd snapped and watched as her face fell. She bit her lip to hide it wobbling and twisted her arms in front of her.

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