5 - Sisters Know Best

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I grinned at everyone, giving a small wave and dragged Tobi away

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I grinned at everyone, giving a small wave and dragged Tobi away.

"Maisie and John are dating?" I exclaimed incredulously, making wild hand gestures. Tobi nodded.

I crossed my arms. "Is this why you always changed the subject when it came to Joe and Maisie had been avoiding me today?"

She nodded.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

She nodded, and then shook her head, as if clearing out cobwebs in her mind.

Damn, when did I get so metaphoric?

Not the time Chloe, focus!

"We didn't tell you because we knew you'd react like this." She mumbled, which was so unlike her.

"React like what?" I asked, my laughter coming out high-pitched. "I'm not reacting like anything!"

She gave me a pointed look.

"Okay, you know what? I'll go talk to John and Maisie. I'll tell Maisie I'm not angry at her for dating my childhood best friend and hiding it from me for no reason, and then we can all go back to normal. Good? Good." Without waiting for an answer, I started to walk towards them.

"No!" Tobi shouted, pulling me back into our corner. We looked like we were doing pretty shady business if you asked me.

Yeah, well, no-one asked you Chloe.

I don't need to be asked.

Oh shut up you weirdo. Who argues with themselves?

You're calling yourself a weirdo as well, dumbass.

Oh wow.

"Hey, are you even listening? Ugh, I don't even care. You know what you should do? You should go home to see your sister and brother in law, okay? Okay." Tobi told me, and slightly shoved me into the direction of the exit. I glanced over at where Maisie, to see her staring back at me with a slightly guilty expression. I just rolled my eyes and waved Tobi to goodbye.


"Mum?" I called out as I entered my house, taking out the key from the slot.

"In here, honey." She replied from the living room. I heard someone standing up and when I walked in I saw my sister and Joe. I ran to Amber, squealing and hugged her. She laughed and hugged me back. I moved on to Joe, doing a handshake that we'd make up a few years ago, grinning.

"It's so good to see you guys!" I gushed, not being able to keep the smile off my face.

"We need to catch up on everything!" Amber replied and we both skipped up to my room, giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls.

Well, I was one so that was fitting.

"So, fill me in on everything! What happened at school today?" She asked as we sat on my bed.

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