28 - Bad Case of Lovesickness

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The cafeteria atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation because of today's football match. The long awaited showdown between long-time rivals Felton and Garret would be finally happening and no-one could shut up about it.

"The team's been training harder than ever this year," Maya said, wiping her hands with a napkin. She looked at me, Teresa and Melissa with eager eyes. "I really believe they can win it this time."

Teresa made a face. "You don't think you're biased because your boyfriend is on the team?" Maya shrugged, grinning.

"Probably, they are decent players though. Garret just play dirty." She wrinkled her nose. I looked around, completely uninterested in the conversation. I'd only been going to the school for a few months so I didn't get the feud.

"So the game starts at 7, right?" Melissa asked, running a hand through her ponytail. I nodded.

"Yeah, that's what it says on the ticket. Do you guys want to go together? I don't know the way to Garret." I asked. Unfortunately the match was held at our rival school, as the last time they played against each other it was at Felton.

"Sure." Maya shrugged. "Make sure you dress up in the school colours, blue and white."

I looked around, amused. "Everyone already seems to be doing so." And they all chuckled in agreement. We were the only normally dressed ones, majority of the students and even teachers were clad in pale blue and white, proudly representing our school.

The conversation turned generic as we chatted about random things. All the football players were sat together and would stay that way until the match, something about building up team morale. John was at home because he claimed he was sick. Benjamin was sitting with them as well, I wasn't aware but he was the water boy.

I'd burst out laughing when I found out but he'd just puffed up his chest, looking proud of the position. "I'm a key part of the team Chloe, believe it or not." He'd told me. I'd taken a look at his serious expression and started giggling all over again. Then he'd walked off and refused to speak to me.

"Do you think Benji will still ignore me?" I mused, staring at him where he sat.

"I like how he styled his hair." I added thoughtfully, placing my head on my chin. The girls didn't respond so I turned to look at them staring at me with suggestive expressions.

My face warmed and I leaned back in my seat. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Teresa put on an exaggerated upset expression on her face. "Do you think Benji would still ignore me?" She said, mimicking me.

"Wow, I love how he styled his hair, he looks so handsome." Maya continued, twirling a braid around her finger. I rolled my eyes, ducking my head so my hair would cover my pink cheeks.

"Shut up, man." I groaned. Melissa watched me curiously, turning slightly in my direction.

"Do you like him or something?" She asked with a small smile. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Why you asking? Do you like him?" I shot back, unserious and Melissa made a face.

"Nah, not my type. I go after the ones that I know will never go for me." She replied with a shrug.

"What do you mean?"

"The really attractive ones that I can peacefully admire for afar." Melissa explained.

Teresa raised an eyebrow. "What like Cory?"

Melissa just shook her head, and then turned to me with a surprised expression. "I just realised, nice evasion Chloe."

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