42 - Fade Away

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Benji and I were currently sat outside, waiting for John's surgery to be completed. The doctor was able to give me details of his injury since I was supposedly his sister, and it was not looking good. Three broken ribs, one had punctured his lung, a concussion and sprained ankle along with various other bruises. 

I couldn't help but feel an insane amount of guilt. If I'd agreed to help him, this wouldn't have happened.

As if he knew what I was thinking, Benji's grip tightened on my hand, a silent reassurance that he was here. I would have been helpless without him.

Thirty minutes turned into an hour, and soon time blended into itself as we stayed sat in the same position. Nurses and patients passed in front of us, the hospital buzzing with energy as we stayed unmoving.

My gaze was fixed on the pristine white wall opposite when Benji stretched and stood up. He looked down at me. "I'm going to the canteen, want to come with?"

I silently shook my head.

"Alright, I'll get you something." He said and walked off, passing the receptionists desks. I rubbed my eyes and squinted when I saw two familiar figures talking to the receptionist.

Before I knew what was happening, my feet carried my over to their direction and I intercepted their movement towards where I was sitting.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here." I told Cyrus and Ian in a low voice, my words accompanied with a hard glare.

I had to hand it to them; they looked vaguely concerned about John. Ian's blonde curls were a mess and he looked like he threw on the first clothes he saw. Cyrus looked better but there were dark circles underneath his eyes. Cyrus sighed and pulled someone closer to him. I was shocked to see it was Maisie, my former best friend. She looked pretty stressed as well.

I thought back to the days where my biggest problem was Maisie dating John and hiding it from me. Now my best friend could lose his life because of the people standing in front of me.

"We're not allowed to see how our friend is doing?" Cyrus questioned, frowning slightly. I could see the challenge in his eyes.

"Not if you are the reason he's here in the first place." I shot back and his eyes narrowed.

"I don't think you know what you're talking about, Chloe." The warning was clear in his voice. I was far beyond caring.

"I know more than you think." I stepped forward, staring up at him with my fists clenched. Cyrus glanced down at them and smirked slightly.

"You gonna punch me or something?" He taunted.

"Unlike you, I don't like getting my hands dirty."

Ian decided to intervene. "Chloe, do you know how he is doing?"

I turned to him, the intensity of my glare not lessening. "Ask a doctor if you care so much."

"They won't tell us anything cos we're not family." Maisie told me quietly.

I shrugged. "Sounds like a you problem."

Ian ran a hand through his hair. "Look, I know you think we're evil people and horrible friends to John, but he did this on his own accord, alright? We didn't force him to get hurt."

"You made him chose between breaking my heart or going on the bet, and when he chose to be a decent human being you didn't cut him any slack."

"It's wasn't break Chloe's heart or go on the ambush." Ian replied. "It was break her heart so you don't go on the ambush."

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